On August 22nd at the early morning online meeting of City Limits Speakers Toastmaster Rashmi married Toastmaster Leo!
The club played host to the Wedding Speech Workshop devised and led by DTM Andrew P Bennett.
Many guests become members of Toastmasters International Clubs because they have been asked to give a speech at a wedding or partnership celebration.
The Wedding Speech Workshop made an excellent Open House event for the club.
So real was the sense of being at a wedding that one guest participant even sent written congratulations to the Bride and Groom.
Adding to the enjoyment of the occasion our ‘wedding family’ and even some of our guests dressed in style for the great day.
City Limits members gave short, model wedding speeches with Toastmaster Andrew underlining the all-important learning points. He also gave us an interactive physical and vocal warm up to calm nerves on the big day.
We were pleased and mindful that there were several guests attending their very first Toastmasters meeting . To assist them Toastmaster Laura Chattington gave a ‘Tips for creating a speech ‘ presentation.
Indeed attendance included not only many folks from the UK , but also New Zealand , Korea and Uganda .
A breakout session allowed guest workshop participants to try out parts of speeches they were preparing and receive encouraging feedback .
There were also fascinating public speaking discussions in response to the workshop content. These ranged from how to cope with noisy distractions during a wedding speech to the balance between a scripted speech and spontaneity for an inexperienced speaker.
Thanks were given to Toastmasters Kim Crosby ( Workshop Promotion) and Julie Parker ( Acting President for the session) who joined with Toastmaster Andrew in organizing the event.
City Limits Speakers will receive credit for their model Wedding Speeches towards their Pathways Educational Awards. Our guests were delighted and inspired by this Open House event.
Julie Parker & Andrew Bennett.
Last Updated on 30th August 2024 by Allen Paul