The start of the Toastmasters year provided the perfect opportunity to deliver online training for the new District Leaders. Over the course of a full day and follow up Division Director and Area Directors sessions, I can report 100% of our District Leaders have been trained, which is fantastic.
The support provided has allowed our Divisions and Areas to deliver the club officer training. With the online environment, the Divisions pooled resources to offer training. During the month of July, Toastmasters Leadership Institutes and Club Officer Training have been conducted. With over 725 officers trained so far, what a great start. There is still time for training during August, and targeted training session will become available. There are already plenty of clubs that have had their seven club officers trained and a set of club officer pins will be coming your way.
Program Quality Team 2020/21
This year we are re-booting the Trainers Bureau, under the leadership of Trainers Bureau Manager, Sam Warner, DTM. There will be an update page on the District 91 website, providing details of trainers that clubs can request come and deliver training on Toastmasters areas, such as evaluations and table topics, sitting alongside the skills of mentoring and club development.
Club officers have been busy writing the success plan for 2020/21. The Distinguished Club Program has changed to reflect the education program is Pathways all the way. As members, take the time to check your educational goals for the year ahead, are you aiming to complete your first Path? Consider the steps along the way and how members of your club can assist you in achieving your goal. For those new to the Base Camp Manager role, there will be webinars scheduled for you too.
With international travel paused for many of us, travel the global virtually. Visit online clubs and expand your Toastmasters experience, from Auckland to Karachi, Cape Town to Barcelona, Helsinki to Cardiff, Dublin to Calgary. Happy travels.
Helena Boden-Brewer
Program Quality Director