To Become a Leader of Tomorrow

By Andrew P. Bennett DTM, Youth Leadership Encourager

The first Youth Leadership session is an exciting moment for our Toastmaster Coordinators and Young People. It was with pleasure that I joined Toastmasters Joanne Roxburgh and Julie Parker on Zoom as coordinators of our newest program with King’s College Aspire. The young people in this group are 16-17 years old. The program is being sponsored by City Limits Toastmasters.

We broke the ice with a getting to know you exercise during which all the young people spoke. Joanne gave an engaging presentation on how to find a topic and create a speech for the next meeting. Julie shared her skydiving speech complete with a video clip. I explained the skill of evaluation and led our very first attempts at a round-robin evaluation of the speech with the young people contributing their commendations and recommendations. The session ended with Table Topics in which every young person took part.

We are delighted to be working alongside Olivia Hylton – Pennant, Widening Participation Officer at King’s College and look forward to watching our group exploring their speaking skills over the coming weeks.

As one program begins another reaches its conclusion. We were very pleased to renew our contact with George Green’s School, E14 where the students, led by Paul and Sarah Andreas (Beckenham Communicators) as Toastmasters coordinators, accompanied by their teacher Diamond, enjoyed their program. I visited twice the group on zoom to contribute to the sessions and was able to see first-hand the progress made by the young people both in confidence and skills.

Here is some feedback from Hilde Lewis, Year 12 and 13 Leader at the school which I share with you all.

Toastmasters Youth Leadership transformed our young people into effective speechwriters and impromptu speakers. It provided a safe space and support network to feel comfortable making mistakes. All in all, it is a fantastic program that helps generate the attributes to become a leader of tomorrow.

Learn more about The Youth Leadership Program here.

Time to let the secret out

Time to let the secret out Did you know that the referrals are really what makes the world go round? That’s not so say that traditional marketing and advertising doesn’t work, they have their place and are important. As we enter month 2 of 2021, we’re also in ‘Talk up Toastmasters’ season, an opportunity for … Read more

Youth Leadership Programme at Malvern College

The Hills Are Alive with the sound of a Youth Leadership Programme at Malvern College

Malvern Speakers YLPThe first ever Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) at Malvern College culminated in a Speech Extravaganza evening held at the mythically named Gryphon Room.  Under the watchful eye of Headmaster Mr Antony Clarke, parents and special guest Mr Phillip Serrell (of BBC’s Bargain Hunt, Flog It); sixteen students from all over the world successfully delivered their final speeches to complete the course, which had run over several weeks since the beginning of the year.

The entire evening was organised by the students.   Three of whom skilfully and professionally acted as “Toastmaster” for each segment of the speeches, while others acted as timekeepers in true Toastmasters tradition!  The students gave speeches on subjects as varied as “The delights of living in an extended family of twenty relatives”; “The notorious worst-ever Nobel Prize”; “Discovering the joy of  Coasteering”; and the story behind the painting “The Raft of The Medusa”.

The project was a joint venture between Malvern College (Dr Martin Harris) and Malvern Speakers.  It was led by Steve Birch who was supported by fellow Toastmasters (all from Malvern Speakers).  The students homelands ranged from Nepal to the USA.  The effectiveness of the programme was underlined by the fact that for most of the students English was their second or even third language.

Congratulations to Malvern Speakers for their article about the YLP that was published in the Malvern Gazette!Malvern Speakers YLP Article


The Toasted Sandwich completes Youth Leadership Program (YLP)

The Toasted Sandwich completes a Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program (YLP) …

A good Apprenticeship provides the employee with both the training and hands-on experience that are required to succeed in their future career.  When managers at an International Pharmaceutical company in South East Kent, UK were looking at ways to educate their apprentices in the art of good communication, they reached out to their local Toastmasters Club for help. 

Toasted Sandwich YLP 1, 16Rebecca Jackson, VP Education for The Toasted Sandwich Toastmaster’s Club, looked across the range of materials available and decided to devise an eight week program for the apprentices which was based on the Youth Leadership Program (YLP).  In preparing the course, one of the main challenges Rebecca had to overcome was one of scheduling: 

“The YLP materials are great, but it quickly became apparent that I needed to adapt the timings if I was going to give each apprentice the chance to give two presentations, make time for Table Topics and include an educational piece every week.  The global Toastmaster community was a fabulous extended resource.  In particular, I should give kudos to Fred Jones and members of his team in District 21 for inspiration.” 

Once the agendas were mapped out, 8 x ninety minute sessions were booked, with a ninth session pencilled in for the ‘showcase event’.

Rebecca explained further:

“Every participant was asked to present two short speeches during the course of the program.  Whilst the speaker got to select their own topic, we did ask that one speech be about themselves, or about something that they feel strongly about.   The other speech needed to be work-based.   Each week, the bar was raised in terms of what the speakers needed to achieve.   The first speakers had to overcome the biggest nerves, but the bar was fairly low – just make sure that the presentation had a beginning, a middle and an end, and lasted for between 4 – 5 minutes.   The next cohort were asked to give their speech a purpose, or ‘take home’ message.   After that, speakers were asked in turn to introduce visual aids, body language and to vary their voice and language to further bring their presentations to life”.  

The main adaptation for this particular audience was to include a session on giving technical presentations.

As if standing up in front of each other to present wasn’t enough, the apprentices also took turns to give each other feedback.  The final element of the course was to practice ‘impromptu speaking’ in the form of Table Topics.

Toasted Sandwich YLP 2, 16On 27th January 2016, the apprentices invited their supervisors to a ‘showcase event’ where they could demonstrate their new-found skills and confidence.   The lively program of entertainment included a ‘Would I lie to you’ style round of ‘This is my…’ where apprentices Josh Bucceri, Aidan Harper and Tony Reynolds each claimed, in turn, to know a distinguished looking gentleman (he turned out to be Josh’s dad!).   Arguing for a place in the lifeboat, Charlotte Carr, Adam Gymer, George Cossons, Sam Young, Rebecca Johnson and Ben Cooper each presented a compelling case as to why their character should be saved from a sinking ship.   An audience vote determined who survived.  Riley Glendinning and Amy Mercer led the fun.

In closing the event, Club President Jeremy Swallow presented the apprentices with a certificate of completion and thanked The Toasted Sandwich team for an outstanding piece of work.

The Toasted Sandwich Toastmasters Club

The Toasted Sandwich Toastmasters Club meets every Wednesday lunchtime from 12 noon – 1pm in Discovery Park House, Sandwich, Kent.   The Club is open to all, including employees of any company at Discovery Park and members of the public.   For further information please contact: Bev Nicol or Arnaud Sartre (VP Public Relations) or go to the Club’s Facebook page at

A testament to the value of the Youth Leadership Program

From  Andrew P Bennett DTM District 91 Youth Leadership Adviser, 2014/15 District 91 Toastmaster of the Year

Youth Leadership - Toastmasters InternationalFellow Toastmasters I can remember taking on my first club Presidency and wanting to contribute something of lasting value that other members could then mold and build upon as time progressed. I think we all, be it as club member or officer, are working towards both our personal growth goals and the continued long term development of our clubs, areas,divisions , districts, taking the communication and leadership skills we gain at Toastmasters International out into our daily lives. communities, the world ……….we can and do make a difference!

One aspect of our Toastmasters Program that is definitely making a difference, especially in District 91, is our commitment to the Youth Leadership Program which is inspiring young people in schools and colleges. That is why I am encouraging you today to choose your favourite tea or coffee and sit down for five minutes to read a remarkable post from Paul Olaiya who gave a speech during ballot counting at Tower Conference in May 2015.

It is time for us to feel both humbled and very proud that through the commitment of our District 91 Toastmasters giving their time and skills as YLP Coordinators we are making a difference to young people’s lives. They are delighted to learn and taking their new found skills with them through continuing education and ……out into the world!

Enjoy reading of Paul’s experience ………