Education, Training, Contests and ETC
Earlier this week, my Club President shared a New Year message with our club. It was clear that she had truly reflected on all that we had achieved in the first 6 months of the year. This included a shout-out for one of our contest winners, the incentives we have achieved so far and recognition of our resilience through another year of uncertainty.
We’ve also welcomed many new members who have commenced their communication development journey in the first 6 months of the year. We had in-person socials and reviewed how mentoring is handled in our club. Also, our Club President kicked off a discussion around accountability for our personal learning goals this year by sharing her own ones and what she is responsible for as a Club President.
Schedule that Next Speech
I hope you had a restful holiday period and were able to reflect on your achievements, as well as how you are progressing against any goals you may have set yourself in July or when you started your Toastmasters journey. As we continue to strive for our vision of every members attaining an educational award, I invite you to schedule that next speech and take a look at the projects required to complete your next level.
Go for COT
We start new year with Club Officer Training in full swing. Whilst these events are primarily for your committee, ALL members are invited to attend should they wish, as we start succession planning for next year. Contact your Area Director to find an event near you. As an organisation, we are all about professional development and in return for some of your time, priceless training opportunities are on offer as part of your membership.
In the blink of an eye, we’re back into the next round of contests. For the vast majority of clubs, the first round for the International Speech and Evaluation Contests commence in February and it is imperative that we plan ahead. Reach out to your Club’s Vice President Education to confirm the date of this event and consider competing, running the event as Contest Chair or serving in one of the support roles. You never know – your Club may produce the next World Champion of Public Speaking – but remember, planning is essential!
And Win!
A reminder of a few of our incentives:
- It’s not too late for your club to win the Hat Trick Award
- All 7 of your club officers attend training and the club wins the Trained to Lead award
- January is also one of our Open House months. Consider running one as a Pathways project – and get the whole club involved!

Get Involved
Finally, our Conference team is coming together, and it is not too late for you to get involved! Check out our current vacancies here and keep your eyes peeled for when the Gavel arrives at your club!
Wishing you every success in your endeavours for the next 6 months!
Rupa Datta,
D91 Program Quality Director 2021-2022