Message from District Director, Vanessa King

Fellow leaders and members,

In 2009 I heard an interview on local radio. Some people were talking about a speaking club in Mole Valley and I wondered whether there was anything similar in my area. I couldn’t remember the name of the club, so I just did a search for “speakers club Woking” and discovered the wonderful people at Woking Speakers Club. I checked their website and found out when their next meeting was. At that time they met in a village hall and, having no idea what to expect, went along for a visit. I was warmly welcomed, invited to sit with a member who explained how the meeting worked and what to expect. They applauded when I spoke at the warm-up and invited me to join them at the pub after the meeting. I decided to join that night! That incredible group of people played an important part in helping me to become the person I am today (whether they like it or not!) and I will be forever grateful to them.

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Message from Club Growth Director, Andy Hammond

New Clubs

A warm welcome to our three newest clubs, Google UK Speakers (Division C, Area 5), Clapham Connectors (Division H, Area 35), and Wellington Management London Toastmasters Club (Division B, Area 6). That takes us to seven new clubs so far, with a further thirteen pre-charter clubs, and more than twenty leads in the pipeline.


If you have an idea for a new club, or would like to know more about how to start a club, then please get in touch with me.



It is nearly time for members to pat their fees for the 1st April renewal. Just a reminder that for a club to remain in good standing requires at least eight member payments by 31st March 2017. And to have at least 20 members, or a net growth of at least five new members, to qualify for the Distinguished Club Program.

PR Report, from District PR Manager, Helena Brewer

Nominations for PR Awards

From radio interviews, local TV, promotional videos, Facebook, Twitter, articles in newspapers and magazines, club newsletters, through to speech on the beach, club anniversary parties, new club charters events and annual club dinners, there’s been plenty of activity to keep your club VPPRs occupied.

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DEC Meeting and Training Day Agenda

Fellow leaders,

The District Executive Committee will be meeting on the 26th of February 2017 to hold their third formal meeting to conduct business for the good of Toastmasters International in District 91. In addition to the meeting in the morning and to make the most of having the district leadership all together, it is our practice to hold training for our district leaders in the afternoon.

An outline of the agenda for the day can be viewed below. All Area and Division Directors are expected to attend as part of their obligations to our members. If you are not able to attend, you are asked to send an assistant in your place.

As a matter of note, all pertinent dates for District events are available on the District Calendar on this website and have been since the beginning of July 2016. All district leaders are expected to make themselves aware of these dates. If you have any questions please contact District Administration Manager Paul Rhys-Taylor.

Best wishes,

Vanessa King DTM
District 91 Director 2016-17


District 91 District Executive Committee Day

26th February 2017 09:30 – 16:00
Woking DoubleTree Hotel, Victoria Way, Woking GU21 8EW

09:30 Arrive

10:00 District Executive Meeting, including the following:

  • Approval of minutes from prior meeting (4 November 2016)
  • Audit Committee Report
  • Mid Year Report for 2016-17
  • Leadership Committee update
  • Alignment Committee update
  • Pathways Chief Ambassador update
  • Report on the District Success Plan and Distinguished Plan progress
  • Update from Toastmasters International

12:00 Alignment Planning (TBC)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Future Council and Conferences Preparation and Updates

14:10 Division and Area Success Planning

15:30 Area Elections and Recognition

16:00 Close of the Day