Are you ready?
Judges and Contestants are responsible for ensuring they are familiar with the Speech Contest Rulebook, complete eligibility forms and attending briefings organised by the Contest Chair and Chief Judge.
We encourage all members to challenge themselves to compete to prepare accordingly. Resources on the Toastmasters website are not just focused on organising, they can help you prepare for contests too.
Dan Magill, a multiple-time champion at the District 91 Humorous Speaking Contest and the 2022 District 91 International Speech Champion, who successfully advanced to the quarterfinals and proudly represented Region 10 in the Semi-Finals held in Nashville in August 2022, offers insights on preparing for hybrid contests as an in-person contestant. Watch this video from Dan.
Many past District Contests can be viewed on the D91 YouTube channel.
Judges (and functionaries)
Members are reminded of the Toastmasters Promise when being approached to Judge to fulfil another contest functionary role. Without judges and functionaries, contests won’t happen.
Ensure you have reviewed the rulebook for the existing program year to ensure you understand the rules of the contest and are eligible to be a Judge or functionary.