DLT Dispatches – February 2018

Pedro Casillas (DD)

Recently the DEC (District Executive Committee), made up of DLT (District Leadership Team) Division and Area Directors, met to discuss and review the District Success Plan (DSP). And as you may already know, the purpose of the district executive committee is to ensure that district leaders work to achieve the district mission:

  • the district executive committee reviews and approves the District Success Plan;
  • approves the budget and oversees the financial operation of the district;
  • recommends the assignment of clubs to areas and divisions;
  • reviews recommendations and reports of district committees, including those of the audit committee;
  • performs any duties assigned by the district council.

Audit Committee Report
Finance Manager, Beauty Zindi, presented the mid-year Audit Committee report, prepared by an independent team. The Audit Committee found that District expense claims were in order with all substantiating evidence in place and Audit Certificate signed by relevant members of the DLT and by the Audit Committee.

Finance Manager’s Report
Beauty also presented her report on budget spend to date. She highlighted variances from budgeted expenditure and explained why we were overspending in certain categories such as conference planning and underspending on marketing and education/training.

Whilst the Finance report shows that we still have room for improvement, thanks to the diligent work of Beauty, D91 finances and planning are in good shape, now and for the future.

Leadership Committee Update
Immediate Past District Director (IPDD) and District Leadership Committee (DLC) Chair, Vanessa King, updated the DEC on the activity of the DLC, confirming that there is a crop of high calibre candidates for nomination for election to DLT roles (including Division Directors).

The DLC are still looking for candidates for all positions, so it is not too late to apply, if you believe you have the skills required. Nominees will be announced on 7th April. Vanessa also said that it was possible for a candidate to stand from the floor during the election process, even if the candidate had not been nominated by the DLC.

Realignment Committee Update
Paul Walsh, DTM, presented his update to the DEC on the Realignment Committee, Emphasised that the DEC on Fri 4th May is crucial to ensure that the DEC is happy to recommend the proposal for acceptance by the District Council. Full details can be found on our D91 website (link below).

Programme Quality Director Pathways Update
Programme Quality Director (PQD), Andy Hammond, updated the DEC on progress toward roll out. By 20th March, in Region 11 (Europe, parts of Africa and the Middle East), 70% of the roll-out club visits should have been undertaken. So far, District 91 has scheduled 92% of club visits and completed 58% of them, so we are on track. Pathways Guides will, till the end of June, provide virtual support to VPEs via email, webinars, and help the members to get on board with the Pathways Learning Experience.

Update from Toastmasters International
This May, D91 will welcome Toastmasters International CEO Dan Rex. Whilst dates are still being worked on, we will be looking to send Dan on tour across as much as D91 as we can! Watch this space!

All documentation from DEC will be available shortly on our website. If you have any questions, please contact your Area Director in the first instance. We are in constant contact with them and they will be in touch with us.

Andy Hammond (PQD)

This month I am focussed on three areas – Club Officers trained, Distinguished Club Program (DCP) achievements, and Pathways Guides’ visits.

Our Area Directors have been working hard to organise Club Officer training across the District and so far have recorded over 500 Officers trained. The DCP goal of four or more Officers trained has been achieved by 90 clubs, with more still to be reported. Particular congratulations to Clapham Connectors, Mindshare Toastmasters, Polish Your Polish, Riverside Communicators, and Toasted Sandwich Toastmasters Club for achieving all seven Officers trained!

Thanks to all for your hard work and commitment to your own learning to help you to better support our members. World-wide in Toastmasters there is a clear correlation between Club Officers attending training and the success of clubs in achieving the DCP goals.

With four months of the Toastmasters year left, 75 clubs have already achieved 5 or more DCP goals and are therefore in line to be Distinguished clubs. A further 51 clubs have achieved 3 or 4 DCP goals which puts us firmly on track to hit our ambitious District target of 80% of clubs Distinguished.

You will by know be aware that Pathways Guides are visiting each of our clubs to prepare for the roll-out of Pathways on 20th March. We have to complete at least 70% of those visits before the roll-out date, and the Guides have arranged over 90% so far, and will have completed over 70% by the end of this week. A fantastic achievement by those Pathways Guides, and thanks to all the clubs who have supported them by making time available on busy meeting agendas.

Florian Bay (CQD)

137 more members, this is all District 91 needs in order to be the home of 5,000 Toastmasters members from Land’s End to the Thames Estuary and from Ludlow to Dover. You all have a part to play in achieving this milestone and in writing Toastmasters history in your District we all call home.

Talk Up Toastmasters season is in full swing and let’s remember that often the smallest initiatives have the biggest impacts. Here is what you can do now to bring more guests to your club and to convert them into members:

  • make a point of bringing one guest with you in every meeting from now on;
  • sit next to a guest during your club meeting and share your story with them;
  • create a “members’ stories” section to your meeting where someone can share his/her story of how Toastmasters changed them for the better;
  • add you club to Google Maps, using my new easy-to-use guide, and make it easy for people to find you;
  • explain what’s in it for potential members and why they should join on your website and during meetings.

Let’s all do this and reach 5,000 members together!

Your club performance during renewal season will be crucial to maintaining this figure for the months and years to come. This renewal season, we are running a competition to challenge you to submit membership renewals early and in quantity. The first 20 clubs to renew 20 members by March 15th will receive £50 towards the cost of organising a pizza party for their members and guests. What an amazing way to market your club! Moreover, you like everyone else loves a good pizza right!

Let’s renew all of our members as soon as we can. Your phone calls, your e-mails, your kind messages will make all the difference in renewing our members one at a time. Together we will reach 5,000 members, I am counting on you!

Last Updated on 7th September 2020 by