The new Pathways education program is nearly here! With a planned launch date of 20th March now is the time to start your preparations so that you are ready to take advantage of the many wonderful new opportunities that will be available to you.
Every club in the District is being visited by a Pathways Guide who will explain the new program to members and tell them about the support available after roll-out. To see a schedule of the club visits go to our website page.
Your first action is to make sure you have logged in to the Toastmasters International website and have your password, or you will not be able to access Pathways. Simply go to the login page. If you don’t have a password yet or have forgotten it simply click on “forgot password?”.
Then go to the main Pathways area of the website and get all the background to Pathways. You can even have a look at the first project, the Ice Breaker, and start working on it before the roll-out date. Details of all the other Pathways projects, and the new introductory guide, called “The Navigator”, are also available through the our website.
Every member will get access to their first Learning Path within the cost of their current membership. Dual members will get their first two Learning Paths for no additional cost. Members must have paid their membership fees to continue to access Pathways, so do make sure you renew before the end of March. New members joining from 20th March will automatically be enrolled on Pathways.
If you are currently working towards an award you will have until the end of June 2020 to complete it as both programs will run alongside each during that transition period. You can work on both the current program and Pathways during that time.
This is a big leap forward in the Toastmasters education and offers many more projects for members. It is of course a big change and will be a challenge for us. You will have many questions as you get familiar with Pathways, so do use the support available from your Pathways Guides, Ambassadors and me. Your VP Education will also be offered regular support from the Pathways Guides over the coming months. Within your club why not identify one or more Pathways Champions – those enthusiastic members who will dive in and lead the way and share their learning with other club members?
This is an exciting time for all Toastmasters with so many new opportunities for further communication and leadership development. Roll on the 20th March roll-out!