Apps Overview - Sunday 15th August - 09:30am - 11:30am
In this session, John will go over the various apps and software you may use to promote your club.
All content will be recorded and available from this page after the event. Bonus content is also expected.
Main Training - Sunday 22nd August - 09:30am - 1:30pm
Time to “Get Creative” again!
Once more District 91 will be running their Get Creative Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI).
This is a “Deep Dive” for Vice President Public Relations and Vice President Membership, who can count it towards their club’s officer trained in D91 and to any other Toastmasters members who are interested in the subject.
The TLI will focus on club advertising, PR and recruiting new members to clubs and will include presentations on Open Houses, Social Media strategies, Branding, Four Ways to run a Meeting, D91 Incentives for 2021/22. The TLI will close with a practical workshop where you can create your own advertisements (without having to use Canva).
Doors open at 9:00 am for a 9:30 start and end at 1:30 pm on Sunday 22nd August 2021.
All content will be recorded and available from this page after the event. Bonus content is also expected.
Creative Exercise Files
Find this all overwhelming? –
Join us for a series of short weekly sessions to update and implement a complete marketing makeover for your Club.
website, social media and much more in simple steps.
These are the proposed sessions.
Sunday Practical:
8.30 pm – 9:30 pm – 30 mins hands-on training with 30 min implementation together with Q&A.
Register for all Sunday events
Feedback Friday:
8.30pm – 9.30pm – Feedback, reviews, Q & A
Register for all Friday events
Thursday Marketing over Lunch
12:30pm – 1:30pm To be Confirmed
We are also hoping to launch regular Lunch sessions with Diane Richardson and John Drinkwater addressing marketing ideas starting in September. Guest speakers will also be joining us for some of these sessions.
The recordings of presentations within these sessions will be made available afterwards, but attendance is the way to have your questions answered. Most of our content is recorded live, but we may gather recorded content elsewhere to build this “programme”.
Data Protection and Privacy Notice.
By registering for any of these events you will be added to a database and be emailed of all events and notices about our Marketing and Membership Events. You will have the option to opt out at any time.
All the sessions are recorded to make the presentations available for future use. We avoid releasing sections of content where there are discussions, breakout groups or other group activities where the open and frank discussion should be given privacy. To be part of such discussions, you need to join the webinar where they take place.
Miscellaneous Files and Links
D91 Clapping Track from Lord Zoom (right-click to download)
Toastmaster International Templates
Presentation slide decks will be added, where available.