Two rounds of incentives
As is traditional in District 91 April is the time to announce the winners of two rounds of club incentives. The first is the 80/20 incentive and the second is “Talk Up Toastmasters”. I am delighted to announce that we have multiple clubs winning both awards! This is a remarkable achievement considering the difficulties that many of us face in and outside of Toastmasters.
33 X Congratulations
I am delighted to announce that 33 clubs listed below have won the 80/20 incentive. At least 80% of their members have renewed and the clubs have at least 20 members. Congratulations to the 33 winning clubs listed below:
1st London Toastmasters | Chiltern Speakers Club | Oxford Speakers Club |
Accenture Speakers (London) | City of London Toastmasters Club | Reading Speakers Club |
Armada Speakers | Data Science Speakers Club | Shilling Speakers |
Aylesbury Speakers | Guildford Speakers Club | Speakeasy@Credit Suisse |
Beckenham Communicators | Hamwic Speakers | Speakers Corner |
Berkeley Square Speakers Toastmasters Club | Kent Speakers Club | Surbiton Speakers |
Berkhamsted Speakers Club | Legacy Speakers Brixton | The Speakers of Croydon Club |
Bloomberg London Toastmasters | Lloyds Banking Group Toastmasters (London) | Trojan Speakers Club |
BMS Uxbridge Toastmasters Club | Microsoft Speakers Club | Windsor Speakers Club |
Bromley Speakers | Mole Valley Speakers Leatherhead | Wokingham Speakers |
Casterbridge Speakers | Moody’s London | Worthing Speaker’s Club |
Each club will receive a formal email and a £50 voucher in the next few days.
“Talk Up Toastmasters” successes
I am delighted to also announce that 14 clubs won the Talk UP Toastmasters incentive this year. Club won by recruiting 5 new members in February and March this year. Twenty-four other clubs managed to gain 3 or 4 new members during the same period. Unfortunately, no incentive awards for them but it shows that we can look forward with a degree of confidence that clubs can start to recruit new members on a regular basis.
104 London Debaters | Grosvenor Square Speakers | Microsoft Speakers Club |
1st London Toastmasters | Holborn Speakers | Moody’s London |
Beckenham Communicators | London Athenian Speakers Toastmasters Club | Reading Speakers Club |
Brighton & Hove Speakers Club | London Public Speakers | The Speakers of Croydon Club |
Cardiff Toastmasters | London Victorians |
Again, a formal email will be issued with a £50 voucher in the next few days from the district and clubs will also receive a ribbon for their club banner directly from Toastmasters International HQ.
Still Opportunities to win incentives
There are still plenty of other club growth incentives available in the last quarter of the Toastmaster year. In May and June, we have the “Beat the Clock” challenge. When a club recruits five new members the club will win £50 from the district and a banner ribbon from world Headquarters.
The district is still supporting clubs to hold Open House meetings. The district will give each club £75 towards PR/Advertising costs, room hire & light refreshments and supply an Open House box full of marketing materials to distribute both on the evening and beforehand.
Finally, we have the Net 10 award in June, to be eligible a club needs to have 10 more members than it had on 1st July 2021. If you club had 25 members in July 2021 then to win it will need 35 members by 15th June 2022.
Once again, many thanks to everyone who renewed in March, and I hope that you continue to find your Toastmasters membership of benefit.
Diane Richardson,
District 91 Club Growth Director 2021/22