News from Program Quality Director Pedro Casillas

Pedro Casillas Program Quality Director
Pedro Casillas
Program Quality Director

Following a second round of DOT (District Officer Training), I am pleased to report that 99% of Division and Area Directors have attended Toastmasters education. A fantastic turnout!

Division Directors and Area Directors have been busy setting up COT (Club Officer Training, which will complete on 31 August

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News from PR Manager, Helena Brewer

Have you been FED?

Helena Brewer PR Manager
Helena Brewer
PR Manager

As Toastmasters we communicate mainly by speaking, but that is not the only way. In our District there are plenty of budding writers, from club blogs to Facebook posts.

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News from Finance Manager, Meg Heyworth

Assistance to Division and Areas for venue hire

Meg Heyworth Finance Manager

Subject to approval of the District budget by Toastmasters International, District 91 will pay up to £100 towards venue hire by Areas for the purpose of Club Officer Training.

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