Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! It seems strange saying it in the middle of July, but of course for us Toastmasters the new year starts on July 1st. As with the real new year starting in January, we often reflect upon our past successes and learning opportunities and think about future goals. Targets for … Read more

Have you set yourself your learning goal?

Have you set yourself your learning goal? It’s that time of year again. The new year. A time for reviewing where you are and potentially setting new goals. What I mean by that is that we’re a few days into the new Toastmasters program year. As a learning organization, we all progress through a curriculum … Read more

Corporate Club Officers Training July 2021

Summer Corporate Club Officer Sprint 5th – 16th July 2021 Doors will open for all sessions at 12:05pm UK time. Sessions start promptly at 12:15 and will finish by 13:15. Agenda Week 1 Monday 5th July 2021: Super Teams with Clinton Wingrove https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtduuurDovHNBqsYynSoEQdE3xq27cKOQt Tuesday 6th July 2021: Pathways with Samir Malak https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMtduuppzMoG9PRdoVdVY8KVSObXkaPBvsP Wednesday 7th July 2021: … Read more

What did I learn as VP Membership

What Did I Learn as VP Membership During The Pandemic Year Challenge 1 – Overcome Zoom I admit that I was nervous to become our VP of Membership (VPM). We were in the middle of a pandemic. There is an electric atmosphere about 1st London Toastmasters that drew us all to the club but I … Read more