Why? What if……?

By Gill Ornstein(President of HOD Speakers)

Becoming comfortable with the format, requirements and challenges of Toastmasters took a good few years.  Why did I join?  My work is training and facilitating and I needed to ‘up my game’.  It is easy to become complacent when you have the knowledge and start coasting….what an insult to your audience!  Talking endlessly (as I do!) with a TM friend who adores challenges we knew that the TM meeting approach could be applied in so many directions.  We mused ‘what if….’ and, after getting backing ‘Speak Up, Speak Out; programmes for 14-16 year olds was started and over five years 2,000 students had been involved in the 12 week programme reported on in the press at prestigious offices in the City. This has now been taken over by the Peachey Foundation and is proving its value to all students.   It is vital these young people, so very able to communicate by social media but lacking in knowing how to be effective face-to-face, to structure all that they do/say, appreciate the right use of language and project themselves to impress. And have fun!

So…..what now?  Personally I have been asked to run programmes within the voluntary sector e.g. Victim Support and Samaritans .  Not only are volunteers needing the confidence that clear, sound appropriate skills can provide, but the police when giving evidence in Court, and in choosing an empathetic, direct way to inform victims and families of what has happened or going to happen.  And for those who are out of work whose confidence may have taken a battering? I regularly run seminars demonstrating how able they are and provide evaluations that, hopefully, are supportive but honest and constructive.

I run school programmes, not only for the schools in which you may consider are disadvantaged students but in public schools the students have been eager to learn the techniques offered by Toastmasters.

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Arnaud Sartre: 20 to 20 renewals challenge

Renewal season is still open, and there is one day left to ensure your membership continues for the next 6 months. Reach out to your Club officers to ensure your membership does not lapse. 

We ran the 20 to 20 Renewals Challenge until 15th September, and the results are out! Congratulations to the 20 Clubs below who were the 20 first Clubs to renew at least 20 members. It is with great pleasure to say we had 27 Clubs who qualified for the award! We will run a similar campaign in the Spring, don’t miss out!



Casterbridge Speakers
Central London Toastmasters
City Women Speakers
Covent Garden Speakers
Early Bird Speakers
Experience French
Infineum Milton Hill Speakers
Lewes Speakers Club
Lloyds Banking Group Toastmasters (London)
London Business School Public Speaking Club
London Communicators Club
London Toastmasters
London Victorians
Oxford Speakers Club
PMI UK Toastmasters Club
Riverside Communicators 
Trojan Speakers Club
West London Speakers Club
Wharf Speakers

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Contest season tips!

Contest season tips!

The Humorous Speech & Table Topics contest season is now in full swing. Winners at the club level will take part in Area contests whose winners will in turn represent their Areas at Division contests. Winners of the Division contests will then take part in the District final at the Ashford Conference in early May. All four District level finals will take place in Ashford, Table Topics, Humorous Speech, International Speech an Evalations.

While many clubs have already run their contests, some have not so here are some tips for you. Remember that all contest need the following functionaries in order to be valid:

– A minimum of five (5) anonymous voting judges

– One (1) tie-breaking judge appointed by the chief judge

– One (1) chief judge

– One (1) contest chair. You can also have one per contest

– Three (3) ballot counters

– Two (2) timekeepers

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Key Milestones

We are approaching the end of the first quarter of the Toastmasters year, which marks a number of key milestones. Probably the most significant is that we now have an approved District Budget.

You will be aware that Toastmasters International decided that there would no longer be a November conference, and one consequence is that the District Council meeting normally held during that conference, and where the District Budget is approved, now has to be a virtual meeting, and conducted before 30th September.

We held our first ever virtual District Council meeting on Saturday 15th September, and I think it is fair to say it was a mixed experience. The meeting itself ran very smoothly overall, and we received some very positive feedback from those attending, and constructive improvement points, in true Toastmasters style, for future virtual meetings.

However, attendance was poor, with only about 80 Council members out of a possible 374 taking part. We, therefore, failed to achieve a quorum so no decisions could be taken on the day. We subsequently conducted an email vote and I am delighted to say that the District Budget has been approved by 195 votes to 3.

We are reviewing the whole process to see what lessons we can learn. Perhaps the most important is that there appears to be insufficient awareness and engagement between us as District Leaders and the Club Officers and members. This is my third year on the DLT, having previously served as CGD and PQD, and I know I slip into the jargon of DEC, DSP, DOT and COT all too easily. Have I lost you in acronyms yet? And that is part of the problem.

We will be looking at how we can better explain our roles and how they relate to club Officers and members. One idea is to include a brief session in the Club Officer Training events. I also hope that these monthly updates help you understand a little better what we are doing on your behalf. If you have other suggestions please let me know.

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District Success Plan

Much of my focus this month has been on the District Success Plan (DSP) and the District Budget. The DSP sets our goals for the coming year, and in particular how together we will support the creation of new clubs and increase membership; how we will focus on serving current members to improve retention; and how we can support every club to deliver excellence to all our members. The budget provides the resources to support all that activity. Both the DSP and Budget will be submitted to the District Executive Council (DEC) and District Council in September. Details will be on our District website.

I did manage to get away from the PC for a little while, and travelled up to Worcester to join in the demo meeting run by Malvern Speakers, hosted by Worcester Mayor Jabba Riaz, a former Malvern member, and expertly managed by Steve Birch DTM. I also visited Sandwich Toastmasters in Kent on the very impressive Discovery Park. Thanks to President Simon Teague for the very warm welcome.

I am writing this in my hotel room in Chicago, where the District “Trio” are attending the International Convention. Ahead of the actual convention, we spent Sunday interviewing the 18 candidates for roles on the International Board so that we can be better informed when casting your clubs’ votes. Monday and Tuesday were spent receiving our training as District Officers. It is really valuable to share ideas and experiences with our peers from all over the world.

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