The Heroes Journey 1 – 70 – 100

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing Nuala, of London Victorians, deliver her her first Club Officer Training (COT) session as Area Director. Also in attendance was our current club President Eleanor. Both joined at the same time in 2015. It was a true privilege to see both blossom into confident speakers and leaders through Toastmasters. Their club provided them with a safe space to undergo their Heroes journey into public speaking and leadership confidence. A safe and supporting environment made it happen, just like it also nudged them in pushing their comfort zone outwards month by month and year by year.

This Heroes Journey is one we would like each member to experience this year and in all coming years. This is why as a District, we set the 1 – 70 – 100 vision to enable everybody to do it!

You, our members are at the core of the vision!

Supporting each other in achieving more will inevitably leads to more members renewing their membership to continue their Toastmasters journey. It takes more than 3 years for someone to truly grasp the nettle of Toastmasters leadership opportunities. Which is why we would like you and your clubs to do whatever you can to retain at least 70% of your members every year.

We would like each and every one of you to achieve at least one educational goal every year. Sounds impossible? Not it’s not! It only takes 4 speeches to achieve Pathways level 1, just 4 speeches … Something that can be done in just 3 months. All of you can push yourself by setting yourself a goal and all of you can support a fellow member in achieving a goal.

Public speaking is at the core of Toastmasters but public speaking requires a supportive audience. Pushing oneself to achieve more requires a support network. Both things that successful clubs with 20+ members can provide. This is why we are encouraging every club to aim for Distinguished status or a membership strength of 20+ members. Successful clubs breed successful members.

Let’s all grow forward together by becoming heroes together this year!

The Advantages of Advanced Clubs

After a few years in Toastmasters International, you may look at further ways of advancing your speaking skills. Challenging yourself to contests and attending conferences or a Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) all helps, but have you considered joining an advanced club?

Having been a member of Cornerstone Communicators Advanced Toastmasters Club for one year, I have concluded there are three good reasons to join such clubs.

Firstly – I was first attracted to visiting Cornerstone Communicators due to their programme of useful workshops. Some workshops are facilitated by club members and fellow Toastmasters, but external experts are brought in occasionally (and workshops are often free to members). For example, I have attended valuable workshops on quite specific but relevant topics such as: rhetorical devices, “winning evaluations”, humorous speeches, stand-up comedy, presenting on the radio, being interviewed by journalists and so on. The workshops not only provide knowledge but stimulate and motivate further thoughts.

Secondly – Cornerstone Communicators (and other advanced clubs) just do things differently. For example, rather than a standard evaluation the club usually offers an open evaluation – where each member of the audience is invited to provide a commendation and recommendation. I have found this particularly useful for improving my own speeches, and the audience seem to enjoy it too. Table Topics are very different, and more akin to the impromptu speaking seen on TV. Quite often two or more members will perform together – perhaps one narrating and the other miming, or there may be an absurd dialogue or interview situation in which the two members verbally spar. These Table Topics are indeed challenging but also so much fun than the norm.

Thirdly – As might be expected the members of advanced clubs are experienced speakers, many are professional presenters and workshop facilitators. As with most Toastmasters, they are willing to provide expert advice, valuable within and outside of Toastmasters. They are also well connected and know of conference organisers looking for speakers etc. Unlike one-off courses, advanced clubs give you on-going access to these experts.

Most advanced clubs require their members to have completed six projects, but they also welcome guests at e their meetings and workshops. I recommend visiting your local advanced club as a guest as soon as you can, rather than wait until you are qualified to join – like with Toastmasters I wish I had joined sooner. Whilst the club is focused on advanced skills, all new members are made to feel welcome and encouraged to try our new techniques.

In Districts 71 and 91 the advanced clubs are: Advanced Orators (Manchester), Anglian Advanced Speakers, Cornerstone Communicators, Cashel Club, Cork Ireland Advanced Pros Club, Edinburgh Advanced ToastmastersExcalibur Advanced Speakers and PowerTalk (Dublin). If you are interested in trying Cornerstone Communicators (in Markyate) then email me for further details.

Go on, treat yourself and join one of the advanced clubs!

The Explorer’s Cup has arrived in London

The Explorer’s Cup, a Toastmaster award, arrived in London carried by PMI UK Toastmaster Club members a few weeks ago. The award was created by District 91 to encourage club members to take part in leadership tasks enabling them to improve skills faster.

The Explorer’s Cup journey started in Sandwich at Toasted Sandwich Club followed by Gatwick Speakers, Chichester and Worthing and is now at its 4th home at PMI UK TM Club.

In order to claim the trophy, Nadya, Alexander Marcondes, Cleber Ferrareze and Ola Durojaiye travelled to Worthing and after a warm welcome by Worthing Club members (established in a beautiful seafront hotel) took on meeting roles at the host club as General Evaluator, Table Topics Evaluator and Timekeeper respectively.

As part of the programme, the PMI UK TM Club is eagerly waiting to welcome the next club which will visit its venue to claim the trophy. Remember, to claim the trophy, you need 3 members to take meeting roles at the host club.

The PMI UK TM Club holds meetings on Aldgate High Street London EC3N 1AB every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm. See

Bindu Cardoza: Take that step

Bindu is ACS, ALB and Area Director – Area 10, Division J

I joined Toastmasters because I was looking for a club where I did not have to sell anything. I was elated after achieving my MSc in Human Resource Management from Cardiff University and the prospect of returning to employment was exciting. Initially I thought a Toastmaster was the person who rings the bell in the city centre and delivers public announcements. However, after my first meeting I realised that this was something else and I was hooked. A Toastmasters club is a place where you can learn to speak better, to become a better leader and practise these skills in a fun, safe environment. People from all walks of life are Toastmasters. I was amazed at how eclectic the club was. Everyone was very friendly, and I was quickly introduced to a gentleman who was in charge of membership. He explained the benefits of joining. My mind was buzzing; what was “table topics”? It all felt very mysterious. Suddenly a gavel was heard banging on the lectern and the front of the room. Everyone became very silent. The meeting began.

Several years later, I was elected President of Cardiff Toastmasters. To be the first female president was an honour and by then the members knew that I was passionate about equality. I was determined to increase the membership and make the club available to anyone interested in becoming a better speaker and leader. At the start of every meeting, I imparted a few thoughts on Toastmasters and made a point of welcoming every guest. I always made sure that the atmosphere was positive, jovial and encouraging. We had a variety of speeches delivered along with educational presentations and evaluations. It was important to keep the energy levels up and our enthusiastic warm-ups were enjoyed by all. The table topics sessions were great fun and guests were invited to partake. Throughout my year as President I received great feedback and many members achieved educational awards. It was a good year.

Becoming Area Director this year has been a wonderful achievement. My aim is to make sure all the clubs in my area increase in membership as well as attracting guests at every meeting. There is a new club opening soon and I hope to encourage more to begin. Delivering the message of Toastmasters to everyone is key to the success of this non-profit organisation. Social media, word of mouth, newspaper articles such as this can only demystify the enigma that is Toastmasters. I would encourage you all to visit a club and see for yourself. Take that step. I did.

Luke Shaw: You really should join a Speaking Club

There are so many reasons NOT to join a Speaking Club, but are there any good reasons to join a Speaking Club?

Public speaking is a bonafide superpower

This is a superpower you can actually have.

I have been a member of Farnham Speakers for over three years. I have gone from timid, repressed, socially-awkward ‘wallflower’ to a confident leader of men, almost. I’m still socially-awkward and quite repressed but I definitely have a new confidence and an ability to speak clearly and confidently in so many scenarios which would have been impossible for me back in 2015 when I first visited the club.

I’d set a goal back then to improve my speaking skills after my presentational ineptness lost me business opportunities. I was terrified at the idea of public peaking. I love the way the Toastmasters gently educate and encourage new members to take baby steps towards getting more used to public speaking. I’m still losing business opportunities, but now I do so with panache, verve and aplomb.

Visiting a Speaking Club is a cheap fun night out
For guests, the evening’s meeting is completely free. Where else can you spend two hours hearing fascinating talks, participating in speaking exercises, while getting essential speaking practice, building your confidence, making new friends, and enjoying refreshments in the bar afterwards?

Joining a Speakers Club will change your life

You’ll learn so much. Each meeting is a rich and entertaining learning experience. I’ve learnt so much technically about how to conceive ideas, how to structure presentations, how to write captivating details, how to use my body and face and voice and props and slides.

I’ve seen others progress and improve through speech after speech, and are now being offered promotions and partnerships at work, are developing their own brands, are being invited as paid-speakers to perform before large audiences.

Toastmasters clubs have nothing to do with red coats, white gloves or speaking loudly to guests at a reception – and everything to do with slowly getting better at talking in public with a friendly and supportive group of fellow learners, sharing experiences, laughs and biscuits.

You really should join a Speaking Club.

Come along, visit Farnham Speakers Toastmasters Club at Farnham House Hotel, GU10 5ER). Visit