Early Bird Speakers Plus

An invitation to EBS Plus, 2nd July, Natural History Museum 7-9pm.

Early Bird Speakers (EBS) is delighted to welcome you to ‘EBS Plus’ – our rolling programme, where we hone our business communication skills, with a unique programme of pitches, longer speeches, and masterclasses. We are delighted to announce that our masterclass on Monday 2nd July will be delivered by Simon Bucknall, and will be called “So you want to give a TED talk?”. And our venue? The Natural History Museum, in South Kensington.

This is a huge opportunity to hear about the ins and outs of the TED Talk process. Simon will have delivered a TED Talk only the day before at the Royal Festival Hall. Simon is an award winning speaker and placed 2nd in the World Championship of Public Speaking 2017 in Vancouver.

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Explorer’s Cup Update

The Explorers’ Cup Awaits in West Sussex

The Explorers’ Cup travelled along the Sussex coast on 6th June when Worthing Speakers Club members were welcomed at Arun Speakers. Recent member Heather Di Marino led the Warm Up, VP Education Jacqui Moorhouse conducted Table Topics, and club President Ellie Henderson not only evaluated the Table Topics, but also stepped in at the last minute to evaluate Arun President Andy Hammond’s final Competent Communicator speech. They certainly earned the trophy!

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PR & Comms Award Winners

Congratulations to the D91 PR & Comms Awards winners:

  • Paul Branley-Jones & Arun Speakers – An effective use of social media which increase their visibility externally to attract new members. They have great engagement, across clubs, on Facebook and also use MeetUp, consolidate accounts wit other clubs bringing about substantial cost savings. A highlight of Arun’s external PR activities is their work with the Prince’s Trust at Highbury College. This support has received wonderful testimonials from those involved and attracted good press coverage.
  • Ula Howlett & Microsoft Speakers Club – The club’s has grown from 5 to 20+ members driven by a creative use of LinkedIn. Meetings photos are added to this social network, commented on and participants tagged in order to gain more exposure. The club has already offered to shared its PR techniques and how these could be replicated for struggling clubs.
  • Rose Marie Calder & Leighton Buzzard Better Speakers – Since 2015, Roase Marie and the club has developed a working relationship with the Leighton-Linslade Council. They have been Master of Ceremonies for several festivals including the Big Lunch, Day by the Canal and the Christmas Lights Festival. Community events, such as the above, spread the word of Toastmasters to a wider audience. Rose Marie also hosts a hospital radio show and regularly invites Toastmasters to speak on the show.

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Meet a Leader – Fabio De Sio

Those of you who attended the District 91 Spring Conference will have seen fabulous Fabio De Sio (FDS) when he won the International Speech Contest. Fabio also won the hearts of the audience, and judges, with his unique and enchanting speech on having the courage to be true to yourself. I (Nigel Oseland – NO) was looking forward to meeting up with this charismatic young man.

NO: What did it feel like to win the International speech contest?
FDS: It was a huge surprise. I only been a member for six months and I entered the contest as a bit of a joke. I spent quite a while trying to find a suitable club to improve my English and my public speaking. I never received good feedback on my speaking, so it was amazing to win locally and then at the district conference.

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