Proxy Votes

Club officers will have received an email regarding proxy votes for the Business Meeting at the International Convention in Vancouver.

In this short Facebook video Vanessa, our past District 91 Director, explains proxies and the benefits of being a club officer and attending District Council meetings.

Remember to assign your club’s proxy votes if you are not attending the convention.


Meet a Leader – Simon Bucknall

Simon is a very busy man. As we approach the International Convention in Vancouver, our District 91 International Speech Contest winner spends his spare time hopping on and off trains travelling to practice his two contest speeches in clubs across the district. Nigel Oseland (NO), our new D91 PR Manager caught up with Simon Bucknall (SB) on a slow and noisy train from Kent.

NO> Simon, I’m quite good at accents but can’t quite place yours; in Hamwic Speakers’ video of the District 91 Contest, you appear to be based in middle-England.

SB> I live in Streatham in South London, Guy applied artistic license to the outside of the house, but I was interviewed at the piano in my living room. I’m originally from Worcestershire but we move around a lot and I have lived in twelve different places.

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DEC Meeting and Training Day Agenda

Fellow leaders,

The District Executive Committee will be meeting on the 26th of February 2017 to hold their third formal meeting to conduct business for the good of Toastmasters International in District 91. In addition to the meeting in the morning and to make the most of having the district leadership all together, it is our practice to hold training for our district leaders in the afternoon.

An outline of the agenda for the day can be viewed below. All Area and Division Directors are expected to attend as part of their obligations to our members. If you are not able to attend, you are asked to send an assistant in your place.

As a matter of note, all pertinent dates for District events are available on the District Calendar on this website and have been since the beginning of July 2016. All district leaders are expected to make themselves aware of these dates. If you have any questions please contact District Administration Manager Paul Rhys-Taylor.

Best wishes,

Vanessa King DTM
District 91 Director 2016-17


District 91 District Executive Committee Day

26th February 2017 09:30 – 16:00
Woking DoubleTree Hotel, Victoria Way, Woking GU21 8EW

09:30 Arrive

10:00 District Executive Meeting, including the following:

  • Approval of minutes from prior meeting (4 November 2016)
  • Audit Committee Report
  • Mid Year Report for 2016-17
  • Leadership Committee update
  • Alignment Committee update
  • Pathways Chief Ambassador update
  • Report on the District Success Plan and Distinguished Plan progress
  • Update from Toastmasters International

12:00 Alignment Planning (TBC)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Future Council and Conferences Preparation and Updates

14:10 Division and Area Success Planning

15:30 Area Elections and Recognition

16:00 Close of the Day

How to create a great environment in a new club

Creating a new Toastmaster Club is not without its challenges, but executed correctly, can be an incredibly rewarding endeavour.

I would like to share with you my experience of starting a new Club, what I learnt and what I believe are the three key ingredients to success.

wokinghamWokingham Speakers chartered 3 years ago. It is now a thriving Club with 34 Members, having recently obtained 10 DCPs for the first time in its history. However, its ability to enjoy this kind of success is a tribute to its early days and the firm plan put in place by its founders, which leads me aptly onto my first piece of advice;

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