Back to school for Toastmasters

Back to school is a usual September activity for many whether a parent, student or a Club member! September is a time for new challenges and opportunities.

When was the last time you brought a friend to a meeting? When was the last time you entered a Speech Contest? When was the last time you took on a Club project?

As a Club officer myself (Sergeant At Arms) I had a busy summer, from running a Zoom course for my members who were tempted to take the leap and be the Zoom Master of a meeting, to proposing a fully costed plan for running a hybrid meeting when it becomes possible.

Witnessing the start of our Club Contest is always inspiring and an experience one will never forget. If your Club still needs to run its Autumn contest, jump in and experience it, you will not regret it!

I remember fondly when at school, university or starting a new job, the exhilaration of doing something new, meeting new people, creating new friendships. As a Club member, we get to do all of this, at every meeting! So why not invite a friend, colleague or other-half to the next meeting and share with them why you are a member!

Now that we are primarily meeting online, being local is no longer a restriction, and I took advantage of visiting other Clubs around the globe from the Middle East to the Americas. And every time, I gained a new idea, better understood cultural identities, and got energised from the experience.

As a member, I love that we have been able to recruit members in my Clubs from other continents and bring this once in a lifetime opportunity to all my Club members, this is enriching and this is what brings us all together.

Your vote counts

Every year, Toastmasters International holds its Annual Business meeting, this year online on Friday 28th August 2020 at 12 pm GMT. Every Club in the World has a voice and can impact the future of the organisation. On 22nd July, Club Presidents and Secretaries will have received a notification to assign the Club Proxy and make the Club vote count. Delighted to see many Clubs this year have elected to vote directly and experience the International Convention and Business Meeting. 

The vote this year is on Proposal A and B, as well as the election of 7 International Directors, including our own Region 10 (Europe).

Our District Trio (Arnaud, Helena and Rupa) have interviewed all 23 candidates to cast an informed vote and help shape the future of our organisation. We encourage all Club members including anyone who will be attending to learn more about the process and the election. Here are useful information to better understand what and who we are voting for as Clubs.

  • Proposal A and B are changes to our Toastmasters governing documents with direct impact on our administrative and operational makeup

This year the International convention is online and this is also where we get to hear more about the candidates and proposals we will be voting for at Candidate showcase on Wednesday 26th August and Annual Business meeting on Friday 28th August 12pm GMT. If you are a member or Club leader and want to know more about the process there is an FAQ about Proxies and Annual Business on the Toastmasters International website

What Could Go Wrong?

The Story of the Port in the Storm

By Carolyn Johnson, VP of PR, Chiltern Speakers

March 2020

Our club was burgeoning.  We had had a bumper January of guests, an Open House in February, and March saw our new members standing up front taking the first steps of their public speaking journeys in front of a friendly and substantive live audience.

Our committee had worked hard over the previous months to build a better new member experience.  We lined up the VP of PR and the VP of Membership to attract guests to meetings and follow-up afterwards with a slick sign-up process.  We created a new ‘Hospitality’ role to ensure guests were welcomed and introduced to a member or two so they had someone to talk to and engage with during the evening.  Our President would give each guest a special welcome in his meeting introduction and ask them to say a few words at the end about their impressions.

We focused on celebrating the victories with standing ovations for Icebreakers and awards with photos and social media accolades for best speakers, evaluators and Table Topics.  We laughed heartily with our speaker journey fellows inside the disciplined structure of our Toastmaster sessions and watched each other grow.  Then went to the pub afterwards.  What could go wrong?

The Transition

We no longer have a live venue, we no longer have the lively face-to-face interaction, we no longer have the pub.  We no longer have that excited and slightly anxious drive or walk, to the meeting, we no longer have that post-meeting reward and joy of reflection on our way home.  So what has become of our club in this new world cohabiting with Covid-19?

As soon as it became clear that society would need to head indoors, right as March membership renewal was approaching, we knew we had to create a vision, with an element of certainty, or the club could suddenly end up on a trajectory of contraction we really did not want.  There is no way we did all that work to have it wiped away by a disease!

So we fired up our laptops and downloaded Zoom.  Luckily for our club, we have club leaders who like to explore new avenues and try things out – and this was just what we needed.  Our committee, along with members from other clubs in our Area, spent evenings and weekends working through a trial-and-error system of devising a new Toastmasters online meeting.

Which aspects of a meeting could we retain?  Which aspects are hard to emulate? What tactics could we employ to mitigate the ‘losses’? What could we actually gain?

It became very quickly obvious that this learning experience could be embraced and shared.  New skills mastered that are directly applicable to the fast-tracked remote workplace and the sudden explosion of all generations of people driven online.  We have a new Toastmaster meeting role – that of the ‘Zoom Master’ – skills gained here which can be shown off in work meetings when someone wants a poll, or a team needs a breakout room or a recording for future reference.  Meeting recordings have become a much-valued asset!

And our VP of PR suddenly had a new wave of material to attract new members – our Facebook feed became enriched with new learnings and images of social interactions at a time when everyone was locked down and restricted from human connection.  People could join in at the click of a button on their PC – not just at their local Toastmasters club, but at ANY club!  How to travel and meet people from different parts of the world, whilst sitting in your own armchair? Here was the answer!  Make connections with people in Mumbai, Vancouver, Barcelona? Yes, please!

Oh and it wasn’t all swimmingly successful – the technical issues have had us puzzled a number of times with audio-visual gremlins and connectivity blips, and then there is lighting, positioning, eye contact to get right.  Then came the Zoom-fatigue phenomenon – so we had to get creative with physical actions, visual variety, recorded applause, dressing up, blowing kisses at your Zoom neighbour! (Yes we really did that…)

Suddenly the emails started coming in and Facebook messages popping up – can we come along to your next meeting? Send me the Zoom details!  Prospective new members, former members who had moved away and wanted to check back in and members from other clubs who want to try out new audiences.

August 2020

So where are we now?

Membership is up! Diversity is up! Fun and learning live on!  We have the most members we have ever had at 41, with regular attendance at 25 people or more including 3-4 guests.  Our club came second in the Beat the Clock competition to gain the newest members before the end of June.

Yes sure we have a few members taking a break, and new chatter has begun about when and how we will get our much-loved in-person format back – but the online format has not only taken away, but it has given.  It has given us new and different opportunities – and it turns out that people are willing to embrace them.  It has provided us with a much-loved Port in a Storm.

Excellence in Education and Training

The start of the Toastmasters year provided the perfect opportunity to deliver online training for the new District Leaders. Over the course of a full day and follow up Division Director and Area Directors sessions, I can report 100% of our District Leaders have been trained, which is fantastic.

The support provided has allowed our Divisions and Areas to deliver the club officer training. With the online environment, the Divisions pooled resources to offer training. During the month of July, Toastmasters Leadership Institutes and Club Officer Training have been conducted. With over 725 officers trained so far, what a great start. There is still time for training during August, and targeted training session will become available. There are already plenty of clubs that have had their seven club officers trained and a set of club officer pins will be coming your way.

Program Quality Team 2020/21

The District Webinar series will commence on 2 August. Leading on this is Program Quality Webinar Manager, Andy Hessey, DTM. There are up and coming webinars providing personal development, alongside Toastmasters learning and a key session on running contests. Keep an eye on the District 91 website for details, and on our social media channels.

This year we are re-booting the Trainers Bureau, under the leadership of Trainers Bureau Manager, Sam Warner, DTM. There will be an update page on the District 91 website, providing details of trainers that clubs can request come and deliver training on Toastmasters areas, such as evaluations and table topics, sitting alongside the skills of mentoring and club development.

The Conference Review Committee Chair, Liz Hobbs, DTM, is undertaking a review of conferences for District 91. This is a unique opportunity, factoring in the lessons learnt from switching from an in-person to an online conference which occurred in 2020. It allows for the supportive tools to be put in place and to build on the last six years’ worth of knowledge and experience. 2021 is due to be held in London, more to follow on the bidding process for those wanting to run this conference.


Club officers have been busy writing the success plan for 2020/21. The Distinguished Club Program has changed to reflect the education program is Pathways all the way. As members, take the time to check your educational goals for the year ahead, are you aiming to complete your first Path? Consider the steps along the way and how members of your club can assist you in achieving your goal. For those new to the Base Camp Manager role, there will be webinars scheduled for you too.

With international travel paused for many of us, travel the global virtually. Visit online clubs and expand your Toastmasters experience, from Auckland to Karachi, Cape Town to Barcelona, Helsinki to Cardiff, Dublin to Calgary. Happy travels.

Helena Boden-Brewer

Program Quality Director

Welcome 2020-2021

Thank you for the trust you placed in me in May. I joined the organisation in 2013 out of sheer puzzlement hearing a group meeting in my workplace that kept clapping and cheering at lunchtime. It intrigued me!

I will also remember Linda, the first person that talked to me about Toastmasters and how it could benefit me as an individual and the organisation at large.

What I did not know then were the tremendous opportunities Toastmasters brings to its members:

  • Practice Public Speaking
  • Develop and Practice Leadership Skills
  • Gain confidence in any situation
  • Master the elevator speech
  • And the list goes on …

In my 7+ years as a member, I discovered or perhaps re-discovered, the power of conversation, the power of words and the power of human interaction. Whether a member, Club Leader or District Officer, we are all volunteers, spending our precious time improving our own skills but also supporting others in doing the same.

Cherish the feedback, praise and celebration you receive at Club meetings.

We have a tremendous District, with deep skills in pretty much any domain that I can think of, this makes us successful, this makes us who we are, tackling challenges one after the other.

This year marks the beginning of Pathways becoming our only and future-looking education programme, allowing our members to develop more skills than ever before. Choose a path and progress to the next level, you will be transformed!

As you prepare for your next meeting, ask yourself … how can I bring this unique experience to others? Will this meeting be the best it can be?

Ask colleagues, friends and acquaintances to attend your next meeting, I am sure they will gain a unique perspective and perhaps even think about joining your Club! Now is the time to reach out and share our experience.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting, and always remember:

“We learn best in moments of enjoyment”
Ralph C. Smedley