St Paul’s Speakers – Table Topics Workshop 30 March

From Florian Bay, President St Paul’s Speakers

St Paul's SpeakersSt Paul’s Speakers announces a table topics workshop with Paul Carroll, past district table topics champion and President of 104 London Debaters.

The workshop is on Wednesday 30 March 2016.

Points covered by the workshop will include:

-Taking the fear out of table topics

-Table topics as impromptu conversation

-Paul’s top tips and advice for tackling questions

The workshop will be the entire meeting, allowing time for numerous questions and post table topic feedback. Speaking opportunities will be maximized in the two table-topics sessions included in this workshop.

Come and join us for what will be an educative and entertaining evening.

18h30 onwards. At Ye Olde Watling, 29 Watling Street. Check our website for directions.

The results for Area L61 Contests

From Steve Brewer, Area 61 Director

Many thanks to those who came to support the Area L61 contests in Watford on 19 March 2016.  It was a wonderful and entertaining afternoon, with many friends and functionaries from outside Area 61 borders  coming to see what all the fuss was about.

KavitaThey were rewarded with an excellent competition, with a very high standard across both the International Speech and the Evaluation competition.  We had six competitors in each contest. The winner of the International Speech Contest was Kavita Dulai. Other excellent speeches by David Phelops and Meenakshi Nayar were placed.

All who placed in the speech competition had a musical element within their speeches. A special mention must be given to David who proved what a magnificent tenor he is.




MeenakshiOur target speaker was the always wonderful Kevin Baggs. His multicoloured tie impressed us all but not as much as his speech “If I touched you would you talk to me” which gave us an insight into NLP. Meenakshi Nayar won the contest prevailing over stiff competition from all comers but especially Coralie Frances and Matthew Hall who placed second and third respectively.

We are now looking forward to the Division L contests at the London Business School on 16 April 2016

The Toasted Sandwich completes Youth Leadership Program (YLP)

The Toasted Sandwich completes a Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program (YLP) …

A good Apprenticeship provides the employee with both the training and hands-on experience that are required to succeed in their future career.  When managers at an International Pharmaceutical company in South East Kent, UK were looking at ways to educate their apprentices in the art of good communication, they reached out to their local Toastmasters Club for help. 

Toasted Sandwich YLP 1, 16Rebecca Jackson, VP Education for The Toasted Sandwich Toastmaster’s Club, looked across the range of materials available and decided to devise an eight week program for the apprentices which was based on the Youth Leadership Program (YLP).  In preparing the course, one of the main challenges Rebecca had to overcome was one of scheduling: 

“The YLP materials are great, but it quickly became apparent that I needed to adapt the timings if I was going to give each apprentice the chance to give two presentations, make time for Table Topics and include an educational piece every week.  The global Toastmaster community was a fabulous extended resource.  In particular, I should give kudos to Fred Jones and members of his team in District 21 for inspiration.” 

Once the agendas were mapped out, 8 x ninety minute sessions were booked, with a ninth session pencilled in for the ‘showcase event’.

Rebecca explained further:

“Every participant was asked to present two short speeches during the course of the program.  Whilst the speaker got to select their own topic, we did ask that one speech be about themselves, or about something that they feel strongly about.   The other speech needed to be work-based.   Each week, the bar was raised in terms of what the speakers needed to achieve.   The first speakers had to overcome the biggest nerves, but the bar was fairly low – just make sure that the presentation had a beginning, a middle and an end, and lasted for between 4 – 5 minutes.   The next cohort were asked to give their speech a purpose, or ‘take home’ message.   After that, speakers were asked in turn to introduce visual aids, body language and to vary their voice and language to further bring their presentations to life”.  

The main adaptation for this particular audience was to include a session on giving technical presentations.

As if standing up in front of each other to present wasn’t enough, the apprentices also took turns to give each other feedback.  The final element of the course was to practice ‘impromptu speaking’ in the form of Table Topics.

Toasted Sandwich YLP 2, 16On 27th January 2016, the apprentices invited their supervisors to a ‘showcase event’ where they could demonstrate their new-found skills and confidence.   The lively program of entertainment included a ‘Would I lie to you’ style round of ‘This is my…’ where apprentices Josh Bucceri, Aidan Harper and Tony Reynolds each claimed, in turn, to know a distinguished looking gentleman (he turned out to be Josh’s dad!).   Arguing for a place in the lifeboat, Charlotte Carr, Adam Gymer, George Cossons, Sam Young, Rebecca Johnson and Ben Cooper each presented a compelling case as to why their character should be saved from a sinking ship.   An audience vote determined who survived.  Riley Glendinning and Amy Mercer led the fun.

In closing the event, Club President Jeremy Swallow presented the apprentices with a certificate of completion and thanked The Toasted Sandwich team for an outstanding piece of work.

The Toasted Sandwich Toastmasters Club

The Toasted Sandwich Toastmasters Club meets every Wednesday lunchtime from 12 noon – 1pm in Discovery Park House, Sandwich, Kent.   The Club is open to all, including employees of any company at Discovery Park and members of the public.   For further information please contact: Bev Nicol or Arnaud Sartre (VP Public Relations) or go to the Club’s Facebook page at

How To Prepare an Entertaining Humorous Speech Workshop

From Craig Moss, Area Director J4
Comedy Workshop – how to prepare a humorous and entertaining speech

Whether public speaking is something on your radar or not, Berkhamsted Speakers Club have a real treat in store for you – a Comedy Workshop being held at the Quakers Meeting House on 22nd March. It’s something new that we haven’t tried before and will be not only unique but extremely fun!

Nick PageNick Page will facilitate a workshop on how to prepare a humorous and entertaining speech using tricks of the trade from stand-up comedy.

Nick Page is a disgraced former Daytime TV presenter and convicted forger who revels in the kind of stories most people would want locked in the darkest cupboard. His unique rapid fire delivery will leave you wondering how anyone can get through so many words so quickly, and how he’s escaped justice, or at least retribution, for so long.

Please RSVP to secure your place and feel free to invite family and friends to this event.  We look forward to seeing you!

More Details:

Tuesday 22nd March – 7:30pm

Quakers Meeting House
289 High Street

RSVP here

My Robert’s Rules Learning Curve

My Robert’s Rules Learning Curve

District 91 Director Jean Gamester, DTM

Before I became District 91 Director, I had attended and participated in lots of district council meetings.  I thought I had the hang of it when I took on the District Director role, but it turned out that my predecessors had made it look easy.

roberts rulesI was fortunate to get a clue that I was on a steep learning curve when I ran my first District Executive Committee meeting in September with the Area and Division Directors.  It was fairly light, nothing that couldn’t be handled, but I realised that Robert’s Rules were less of a list of rules and more of a whole new language, especially when it came to handling motions.  And handling motions becomes more complicated when you take into account that we have a detailed set of governing documents in Toastmasters, and we need to make sure that any motion doesn’t conflict with them.

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