Londinium Spring 2016 Conference Keynote Speakers

Two exceptional keynote speakers

We are very fortunate to have secured TWO exceptional keynote speakers for the Londinium Spring 2016 Conference.

David Taylor @NakedLeadership

Our speaker on Saturday will be David Taylor of The Naked Leader. As well as being the author of several best-selling leadership development books, David has worked with companies as varied as Tesco, the University of Southampton, Aramco, BP, Network Rail and the NHS. David will be joining us for the gala dinner on Saturday night, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to learn from him.

World Champion Public Speaking 2015
Mohammed Qahtani, World Champion Public Speaking 2015

Our Sunday speaker is the 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking, Mohammed Qahtani. He held an audience of over 2,000 Toastmasters utterly entranced from his first words, you won’t want to miss the chance to see him speak live! Mohammed will also be delivering a workshop on Saturday.

The rest of the program is shaping up rapidly and we have an incredible program under development. The 2016 Londinium Spring Conference is shaping up to be the biggest and best ever!

How to book

To secure your tickets, book now!  The Early Bird rates close 29th February 2016.

District 91 Toastmaster of the Year 2014 – 2015

From Andrew P Bennett DTM
Andrew P Bennett DTMFellow Toastmasters it was with great excitement and pride that I received the news of my District 91 Toastmaster of the Year award. I would like to thank our Immediate Past District Governor Hilary Briggs and the Toastmasters who nominated me for this very special honour which I will treasure.

Division B Director Neil Coleman and President Charles Nahal, Berkeley Square Speakers kindly came from Swindon Conference to bring the award to me in Kent.

I am thrilled that this award reflects highly on my clubs Excalibur Advanced Speakers, Berkeley Square Speakers and also City Limits of which I am mentor.

Youth Leadership Program

Special mention was made of our Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program and I can only express my deepest gratitude and affection for the Toastmasters who have been willing to step in to the classroom and share their speaking skills with an ever growing number of young people. As District Youth Adviser I could only launch this initiative and support our members to the best of my ability, but it was my toastmasters from many clubs in the Districts who delivered the program.

Some of you may be aware that my current health situation means that I am not autonomous of movement and probably will not be able to attend club meetings in person for a while to come. During this time District 91 Club Growth Director Dorothea Stuart and Toastmaster Tony Winyard are kindly offering to actively assist any Toastmasters who are thinking of setting up a youth leadership program and carry on with the established custom of visits to the programs if possible. Our District YLP initiative continues and if you are running a YLP please keep us posted with news that we can share with our Toastmasters.

Celebrating the award!

Andrew P Bennett DTM receives award Nov 2015

An award means a celebration and Toastmasters Simon Frusher, David Salomons , Daniel Broadhead and Richard Gibson took me for a delightful lunch at The White Hart in Eltham. I have been very touched over the last few months by the many visits, cards and messages from our very special Toastmasters community.

Thank you to you all.

Until we meet again I take this occasion to wish you all a very happy holiday season
With Warmest Wishes, Andrew P Bennett

Spread your wings! We’re a global family

Lyn Roseaman,  recently visited First Hanseatic Toastmasters club in Hamburg. As she says “this feels like a good moment for us all to remember that we are part of a global family.”

global family - Toastmasters

It was First Hanseatic’s Christmas party and they made me feel very welcome. We had plenty to eat (Asian) and drink (German), washed down with a hugely warm and friendly welcome and a healthy dose of table topics. The TT started with Christmas in various countries around the world … Sorry everyone, I did my “bah humbug!” impersonation. This was followed by a good old carols sing song and then a secret santa … with a difference. We ended up debating why we should keep our presents or swap them with someone else. Needless to say, I was busy hiding the chocolate gifts!!!

A big thank you to First Hanseatic und frohe Weihnachten one and all.

Next time you find yourself away from home, try and make time to drop into a local Toasrmasters club … you never know what delights might be waiting for you.

You can see more pictures on the clubs Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/First-Hanseatic-Toastmasters/111561948917396