New Toastmasters club workshop

From Vanessa King, Lieutenant Governor Marketing

New Toastmasters club workshpSetting up a new Toastmasters club is a great way to enable more people to experience the magic of Toastmasters. If you’re thinking about starting a new club or you’re already some way down the road to chartering, this workshop is for you. You’ll get helpful advice from the new club experts! By the end of the session the steps to getting a new club started will be clear.Coming to the workshop is a great opportunity to meet others doing what you’re doing and share the learning.

The workshop will be useful for club sponsors, club mentors and new committee members.

New Toastmasters club workshop details

When: Sunday 8 March 2015

Time: 2-4pm

Where: St Luke’s Community Hall, Norfolk Rd, Maidenhead, SL6 7AX. The hall is about a mile from the train station and pick-ups can be arranged if needed.

You can find links to all the helpful literature that Toastmasters International provides on building new club at

If you have any questions about the workshop please contact me: Click here

Peter King Voice of Wales. Rest in Peace

Peter King Voice of WalesIt is with deep sorrow and great sadness that the Voice of Wales Toastmasters Club informs you of the passing of Peter King.

Peter died suddenly on Sunday 11 January 2015.

Along with his wife, Anne, Peter was a stalwart member of the Voice of Wales Toastmasters Club and they both served as Officers. He was not only appreciated within our Club but was thought of with great affection. Only recently he took the role as General Evaluator at our first meeting of the year with quiet humour.

All of us who knew Peter will remember him fondly, and our thoughts are with his wife and family at this very sad time. The funeral was at Cinderford on 28 January.

We will miss him greatly. Rest in peace Peter.

Churchill: great rhetorical devices

From Paul Carroll, President 104 London Debaters

Rhetorical devices: the master Churchill
Winston Churchill: Master of rhetorical devices

This week marked the 50th anniversary of the death of Sir Winston Churchill and many commemorations have been published.

As a public speaking club, we specially remember the power of his leadership through communication. Indeed, when Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature the citation read: For his mastery of historical and biographical description, as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values. [Click here to see the citation]

In his biography of Churchill Roy Jenkins explained that on a visit to New York in his early days in politics he met a Tammany Hall politician whose oratory had a great effect on him. “I must record the strong impression this remarkable man made upon my untutored mind. I have never seen his like, or in some respects, his equal.” This was an Irish immigrant named Bourke Cockran, who became a US Congressman. “He was my model, “Churchill said, “I learned from him how to hold thousands in thrall”. [Read article here]

In his school days at Harrow, young Winston, being poor at Latin, did treble English and clearly put his heart into it. He has left us with many examples of skillful use of language and rhetorical devices.

Here is a small sampling of some of those rhetorical devices:

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Debate Workshop

From Julius Gamanyi, VP PR

27 January 2015 104 London Debaters TM will be holding a debating workshop.

You will learn

  • how to develop an argument,
  • how to counter an argument and
  • how to put it into a coherent speech.

Please register to tell us you are coming: Eventbrite - Debate Workshop - 104 London Debaters

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Spring 2015 Tower Conference

Spring tower conference logo smSpring is in air! Well, not quite – but it is here at Toastmasters UK South District 91!

The conference team are excited to announce the launch of District 91’s very first Spring Conference – Spring 2015 Tower Conference – with its own dedicated website! The conference will be held over Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 May 2015 at the Grange City Hotel in the heart of London and the team are busy putting together a jam packed programme that will whet any Toastmaster’s appetite.

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