To be or not to be the Club Coach

“To be, or not to be, that is the question” I was in the throes of moving from Yorkshire to Cornwall. Thrilled to discover there was a local Toastmasters club to which I could transfer. Imagine how disconsolate I felt when the President announced that the club could soon be folding. Oh no! The Area … Read more

Online Open House – Case Study

How to run an effective Open House event online In the City of London Toastmasters club we ran an Open House event online mid January 2021. It was a splendid night with virtually a hundred attendees! The meeting was exceptionally energetic and effervescent, and 6 new members signed up during the first month after the … Read more

Workshops To Improve Engagement

How to improve members engagement – case study In District 91 we love to learn and share knowledge on how to improve our clubs and members experience. Get to know 1st London Toastmasters club and discover what they did to increase members engagement in the 2020/21 Toastmasters year. Free workshops for the students Toastmasters is … Read more

Time to let the secret out

Time to let the secret out Did you know that the referrals are really what makes the world go round? That’s not so say that traditional marketing and advertising doesn’t work, they have their place and are important. As we enter month 2 of 2021, we’re also in ‘Talk up Toastmasters’ season, an opportunity for … Read more

Parlez-vous francais?

Experience French gave me an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone…” Veteran member Annelise Lepage spoke about the history of the club: “the idea to launch a bilingual francophone club originated from a desire to practice the French language, while at the same time, develop one’s public speaking and leadership skills. The target … Read more