Message from District Director, Vanessa King

Fellow leaders and members,

In 2009 I heard an interview on local radio. Some people were talking about a speaking club in Mole Valley and I wondered whether there was anything similar in my area. I couldn’t remember the name of the club, so I just did a search for “speakers club Woking” and discovered the wonderful people at Woking Speakers Club. I checked their website and found out when their next meeting was. At that time they met in a village hall and, having no idea what to expect, went along for a visit. I was warmly welcomed, invited to sit with a member who explained how the meeting worked and what to expect. They applauded when I spoke at the warm-up and invited me to join them at the pub after the meeting. I decided to join that night! That incredible group of people played an important part in helping me to become the person I am today (whether they like it or not!) and I will be forever grateful to them.

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News from District Director, Vanessa King

Succession Planning – Already?!

Dear District 91 members and leaders,

Vanessa King
District Director

I know it feels like a strange time to start thinking about the next group of leaders. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been through a bit of a shock at being elected to your role and you’ve experienced some awe when you’ve thought about the task ahead. However, you’ve built relationships with mentors and friends, you’ve had some training and you start to feel like you know what you’re doing. Surely it’s not time to hand over the baton just yet?

Well, no, it’s not quite time yet. You do have another few months to serve your members, see your vision come to fruition and develop your skills in leadership and communication. However, it’s never too early to start thinking about who you can ask to step up. Who can you nurture and encourage by suggesting they stand for election as a club officer or district leader? They may need some time to think about your suggestion, ask questions and seek advice from people they respect and admire.

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News from Club Growth Director – Andy Hammond

Andy Hammond

First let me start with a thank you to Porthcawl Speakers for inviting me to their fantastic charter dinner evening.  A great event to celebrate their club chartering. Already there are photos on Facebook on the night.

This month launches the club growth initiative and join me in welcoming four new clubs to our district.

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