From Toastmaster to TEDx Speaker

From Toastmaster to TEDx Speaker Anthony Garvey is a proud member of Shilling Speakers in Area A1. He recently gave a TEDx talk and now shares his experience with all of us. Sweaty palms, knocking knees and butterflies in your stomach – do you remember tackling them before delivering your first icebreaker? Perhaps you lay … Read more

My three important P’s

My three P’s   Pathways From the fledging uptake of Pathways in 2018 to today, where our members have collectively achieved over 3000 educational awards; Let’s celebrate the success of all our members who have achieved their educational goals! This month we celebrate three years of our education system from the rollout, wow how time … Read more

Parlez-vous francais?

Experience French gave me an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone…” Veteran member Annelise Lepage spoke about the history of the club: “the idea to launch a bilingual francophone club originated from a desire to practice the French language, while at the same time, develop one’s public speaking and leadership skills. The target … Read more

It’s a great time to finalise

Dear members,

In just two weeks, the Toastmasters year will be over; now is a great time to finalise and deliver that last speech to get this elusive educational award or get that coveted Triple Crown (3+ educational award in a year).

Reach out to your VP Education to confirm all your awards have been registered on Club Central this side of the Toastmasters year.

Did you know that at the time of writing this note, 149 of you have already achieved a Triple Crown? Join this exclusive group and receive a pin recognising this achievement.

Despite the last 3 months of challenges, opportunities and new practices, we have over 100 Clubs that have already achieved the Distinguished status, with over 20 Clubs on track to become Distinguished simply by renewing 1/2 members, or register 1 Educational Award!

Together we have managed to keep meeting, deliver speeches and closeout on projects, you have made a significant impact on your personal growth but also that of fellow members.

Over the coming weeks, I will be attending both my Club meetings and help celebrate the achievements of our members on their anniversaries. I encourage you all to look at ways to recognise the achievements of the year, a special meeting, an award ceremony or simply an extended recognition segment at the next Club meeting.

Let’s keep focus on achieving and recognising our achievements!

Looking forward to hearing your success stories!


The Only Thing I Needed for Public Speaking I Found in My Tackle Box, by Ben Starling

Similarities exist between fishing and speech-making? Surely not! Bear with me as I remember how, as a boy, I caught my largest pike…

Know Your Audience

It was a wily old fish that lurked amongst gnarled tree roots at the bend of an oozing river. Others had failed to catch this mighty pike and I’d have failed too if I hadn’t taken the trouble to understand its habits: how it responded to the weather, to river conditions, and what it fed on. Many years later when fully grown, I realised I needed the same understanding of audiences’ traits and habits when making presentations.

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