Meet A Toastmaster: Rose Nakibirango
Area Director of the Year 2021/22
Rose is a member of London Public Speakers and Excalibur Speakers and K3 Area Director in the Toastmasters year 2021-22.
How do you feel about winning the award?
I am very grateful for the award and would like to thank the Area K3 Club Presidents and committee members for working with me to serve our clubs. My role would have been very difficult without their cooperation and contribution.
What are you proud of the most, being a leader of this level?
Learning to organise my time to balance the demands of my personal life, professional work and Toastmasters. Thanks to the role, I believe I can do a lot more in less time than one year ago. I am also getting better at overcoming procrastination.
What would you advise other people starting this role?
Get organised from the start. Set out what you need to do for the whole Toastmaster year so that you give yourself enough time to plan and complete critical tasks. Secondly, get a mentor who can support you to work through the challenges that are inevitable with the role.
What is your next challenge?
As an incoming Division K Director, I look forward to getting better at working with volunteer leaders, moving our Division higher up the league table and having fun along the way.
Last Updated on 2nd August 2022 by Chris Arning