Rotary – Getting to Know You

When the opportunity to present a speech about Toastmasters was offered by the Rotary in the Thames Valley, I said yes. The offer was made back in the summer of 2021, for the conference being held in March 2022. The twists and turns of if the event would be online or in person, added an element of be prepared to the speech preparation.
By March 2022, lapel mic fitted, slide clicker in hand and walking out on stage in front of 400+ delegates; the flutter of butterflies and the surge of adrenaline – the two years of being online fell away.
The slot, 15 minutes before lunch. The subject, what Toastmasters International is all about; what we do and how we do it. There is definitely something special about having an audience and hearing the ripple of laughter when a humorous line lands. Whilst delivering the presentation, running the slide deck, and keeping an eye on the countdown timer – all added to the reminder that speaking in person comes with other considerations. Finally delivering a call to action for the delegates to come and visit the stand that we had set to, encouraging all to come and say hello and pick up a gavel pencil. As a good Toastmaster, the presentation ran to time – which the organisers were most grateful for, as there was no delay in lunch being served.
The team manning the stand, from clubs in the Oxford area and the District leadership. During the lunch break, many delegates dropped by our stand wanting to know more about our organisation, how to visit club meetings, and collect a gavel pencil.
What I gleaned from meeting and greeting delegates, is just how similar our organisations are, everything from speaking at meetings, planning events, motivating, and leading teams. We have more in common than you may realise. Plus, we all volunteer our time to serve.
I would encourage you all to connect with your local Rotary community.
Let the bonds between Toastmasters International and Rotary continue to flourish.