Spring Check up
This month, it’s spring cleaning, looking forward to conference and planning hand overs.
Distinguished Club Program
Let’s start with the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) and how you can help your club achieve its goal. Definitely worth checking in on how your club is measuring up and whether it’s on track, against the club success plan.
It is a busy time of year, in which club Treasurers have been handling membership renewals, club Vice Presidents of Education are reviewing members educational progress and Presidents are looking at succession planning of club committee members.
The club success plans were written in the summer of 2020; how is your club measuring up against its goals? For all clubs on the DCP, there are six points available under the education section. Don’t miss out on achieving these points, update both Basecamp AND Club Central when members achieve their awards.
It’s time for you to do your bit and for all members to support your clubs, by checking you have renewed, your education awards have been submitted and decided if you are going to serve as a club officer. All this activity counts towards the DCP awards.

District Conference
The showcase event of the Toastmasters year is the District Conference on 1&2 May. This year, it is looking spectacular. The innovation and ingenuity of setting up four virtual stages, providing the platform for the 4 contest finals, 7 keynotes speakers and over 20 workshops, it is truly remarkable. The conference team are teasing us as they release keynotes and workshops. Keep your eyes on the social member channels and website for more details.
Oh, and not forgetting the all-important District Council Meeting!
If you are a contestant in the District contest finals or you are seeking to be a judge, has your membership been renewed? A reminder, you must be a paid member, of a club in good standing!
Succession Planning
It is the time for many members to consider how they can serve their clubs, by taking the step forward and becoming a club leader. Planning for club committee succession really helps. From the club Annual General Meetings held at the first club meeting in May, the incoming committee members are known. From this point, hand overs can begin. A key element is submitting the new club officers’ details to world headquarters, before 30 June 2021, which is part of the DCP Administration.
Program Quality Director
Helena Boden-Brewer, DTM