Time to start handing over the reins

The succession planning at all levels within our District is now underway. At District level all the newly elected officers are beginning to take steps in preparation for 1 July which the new program year 2022/23 officially commences.

At our clubs the election of the committee to steer through the new year too. Each club officer -stepping forward to serve their members, it’s an exciting time. Reading what the role is all about – download a copy of the Toastmasters Wear Many Hats booklet.

There’s some much to do, so where to start?

1 – Start with a plan

Club Success Plan and Distinguished Club Program (DCP) – a key part of being on the committee is working on the club success plan. Becoming familiar with what is involved and how to contribute to the plan, dream big, as this assists in setting the goals the club want to achieve DCP. Go through the dashboard and become familiar with what is required to achieve DCP points. Prepare to attend club officer training events – this is the opportunity to meet and network with fellow club officers and counts towards DCP.

2 – Focus on the finances

It is a recommendation for all clubs, it’s such a key area. Ensuring that bank accounts have the new signatories and access set up, as this takes time. In planning the budget for the year ahead it helps establish the fixed costs i.e., venue hire and variable costs i.e., member recognition up front.

3 – Schedule events and deadlines

Calendar is a great way for all the committee members to work together to plan out the year. This exercise highlights when key dates are i.e., for renewal payments must be made by, when public holiday clash with club meetings, placeholder dates for an open house meeting, club contests and other club events. This all feeds into when to communicate with members and when reminders need to be sent, and establish what’s the best way for the club members and committee to communication everything from Whats App, Slack, email etc… If your club uses EasySpeak, update it regularly and this allows members to plan and sign up early.

4 – Share the resources

Login and passwords – handing over these details is so important. In fact, any club resources check you have access, and they are ready and able to be handed over. There are many clubs that have lost access to their social media accounts as the details simply have not been passed on.

5 – Check all the club details

Where are you? An easy question to answer, though not always so for guests finding the club. Whether you are meeting in person or online, ensuring this is clear wherever this is displayed is important. Check all the club details are correct, venue address, email address and phone number. As part of the hand over from committees, this is a great exercise to update on club central at this links to Find a Club on the Toastmasters International website, on EasySpeak, club website, social media, Meet Up or wherever your club has contact details.

Think about your own personal development and education progress. This is an opportunity if you have access to it, to unlock the Pathways Mentoring Program for outgoing leaders to mentor incoming officers.

Good luck with your handovers.

Helena Boden-Brewer, DTM
District 91 Director 2021/22