Reflections, Clearance and Getting Ready

Reflections, Clearance and Getting Ready for a New (Calendar) Year! Do you take time for reflection? I go through phases of writing a lot and then phases where I don’t, however these cycles seem to be in sync with the seasons. It doesn’t seem so long ago where I was writing about goal setting and … Read more

Become a District Leader

Become a District Leader *Application deadline is extended to Monday 28th February* Our amazing organisation is helping you learn and practice communication and leadership skills. As you progress on your journey, you may have already taken on Club leadership roles, supported contests and training events. Now is the time to think about the next step … Read more

December Already Looks Promising

December Already Looks Promising Newvember Challenge Winners Many congratulations to the following clubs for winning the Newvember Challenge: Worcester Speakers Beckenham Communicators Central London Toastmasters London Cardinals Club London Business School Public Speaking Club Paddington Toastmasters Manor House Speakers Trojan Speakers Club Legacy Speakers Brixton Hamwic Speakers Worcester Speakers lead the way with five new … Read more

Division D December Update

What is happening in Division D? December is a delightful time for daring leaders of Division D! D is for Determined, Dynamic and Distinguished. Toastmasters are always up for a challenge and challenges have been aplenty in the first 5 months of this Toastmasters year! Here are some of the highlights from our 4 Area … Read more

20th Anniversary of HOD Speakers

HOD Speakers 20th Anniversary HOD Speakers Club is based in Harrow, North West London and is funded by members on a non-profit basis and run solely by the efforts, energy and enthusiasm of our members for our members. Its Origins Not a lot of people know this but HOD is not 20 years old.  It … Read more