Reflections, Clearance and Getting Ready for a New (Calendar) Year!
Do you take time for reflection? I go through phases of writing a lot and then phases where I don’t, however these cycles seem to be in sync with the seasons. It doesn’t seem so long ago where I was writing about goal setting and reflecting on what you wanted to achieve this Toastmasters year. As we come to the end of 2021 and the end of the first half of this Toastmasters program year, what have you learned and contributed and what does it look like for the next 6 months?
Reflection on Achievements
At the time of writing, we had just under 600 educational awards registered this year which is fantastic! With 3,500 members, however, there’s a number of you that can still earn an award this program year as we strive to having all of our members progress through the Pathways learning experience.
A bit like a game of snakes and ladders, I’d like for us to refocus on Level 2 for a moment and a challenge from me to you is to have at least one member who hasn’t yet completed Level 2 in a club, do so between now and the end of February 2022 – could this be you?

Level 2 Unlocks Several Doors
A reminder that Level 2 unlocks a few things:
- Completing Levels 1 and 2 allows you to compete in the International Speech Contest. Most clubs will be starting this cycle in February
- Completing Levels 1 and 2 allows you to be a judge at Area Level and above. Not every one wants to compete and that’s ok – judging is a unique skill in itself and very different from evaluations. I may have said before but I’ve been fortunate enough to judge wine as well as contests in recent years!
- Level 2 unlocks your ability to undertake the Pathways Mentor program. We often hear that mentoring is needed in clubs and it is one of the fundamentals of our organisation. This gives us a framework. As a side note, I’ve acquired an unexpected mentee for the final part of this – that’s part of the game!
- From July 2022*, Level 2 will also become a prerequisite for anyone wishing to serve as a Club Coach. We currently have vacancies for this role so get in touch if you’d like to know more!
In some respects, this is one of the more reflective levels and can seem hard however reflective behaviour is all part of the self leadership journey. I’ll be covering Level 2 and Level 1 changes at our webinar on 12th December.
Getting Ready for the Future
Succession Planning
Succession for next year is already well underway at District Level and it is never too early to start this process for next year’s club leadership. Elections for both are in May and that really is only 6 months away!
District Conference in May 2022
We’re also planning our annual District Conference for May 2022, if you’d like to get involved see our list of vacancies here. Some of these can be Pathways projects too!
Time for a Training
If you are a club officer, we’re running 2 opportunities for training before Christmas TOMORROW – 8th December, one in the morning and one in the evening. Feel free to get stuck in so you’re all set for the New Year!
Time for a Party
Finally, just before we shut down for Christmas, we will be holding an online Christmas party on 19th December. Please do join us for a bit of festive fun, a quiz and chit chat before we all break for some time with our friends and families. It’s been an honour to be invited to a number of club functions also.
It now leaves me to wish you all the best for the remainder of 2021 and I look forward to seeing you online or in person in 2022.
Rupa Datta,
D91 Program Quality Director 2021-2022