Spirited Speakers-My Why

By Zariya Lufu, President Spirited Speakers

Have you ever felt life takes you into something you weren’t expecting? Have you had to step up for something you weren’t prepared for? Have you wanted to be a participant and had to step up into leading?  

I didn’t want to start a Toastmasters club. I just wanted Toastmasters to go into my kids’ school to teach them how to do public speaking. Then one fateful day a lady posted in our village community facebook group that she wanted Speaker Coaching. So many commented! Some people tagged had done Toastmasters. With the post getting such a buzz, I felt there had to be one in our village. So, I began the hunt to find someone else to lead it! I knew who to ask! Someone who attended Tunbridge Wells Speakers but lives here. She said she didn’t have the time. How would I find the time?

I contacted Toastmasters International and got an email from Arnaud Sartre soon after. He made it sound fun and easy and asked for a date to start. A date? So soon. I didn’t even know if I was doing it! Oh my! It began to feel real. My nerves triggered that luminous air around me, where the world starts to stand still. Why not just leap in? If it doesn’t work, I would have just lost an evening. The date was set for two weeks later. That meant a manic rush to get flyers, and leaflets created and printed, rooms booked, and people found to do a Demo meeting as I had never attended a Toastmasters meeting.  

I dashed over to Gatwick Toastmasters, so I could least so I’d attended one meeting, and would vaguely know what I’m doing. Thankfully that weekend was a contest – so I got to meet Arnaud and speak to other speakers about their experience. I hadn’t ever been part of a club, so I was going in blind! I delved into reading, watching videos, and emailing anyone I could that would answer me. 

Sylvia kindly created an agenda – we filled it with good souls from Kent, London Victoria, and Tunbridge Wells. I was amazed by the support and care. Toastmasters seems to create kind generous people: servant leaders! Two weeks after the call with Arnaud, I arrived to find Jon Parth from Kent Speakers already in the venue setting up. He’s been there every meeting without fail and checking in to see how I am each week. He and Sylvia have done zoom calls with me to help me to understand the roles, and pathways. They continue to offer outstanding support as our area manager and sponsor. 

47 people came on the first night. I’m incredibly grateful to the Toastmasters who’ve come from other areas to support us. The room was tingling with excitement, the laughter flowed, and people were courageous in standing up for the first time. A VPE, Secretary and VPM stepped forward – and we welcomed guests open heartedly. None of us knowing what we were doing, but Toastmasters from out of area guided and lead us. The energy of the room sustained and enlivened us. I knew we’d have our charter number of 20 on the night. I could feel it! 

While we got 22 membership forms filled in the first 48 hours, the bank hadn’t released our account details yet. So frustrating. People couldn’t transfer their money. Momentum was lost. I lamented: “If only the bank had been open. If only… We would have been able to charter on the first night!” Instead, we had a slow drip of people signing up. Jon signed up people and latches us onto Kent speakers. First 8 people. Then 4. Then 3… Until now we have 17. While not having a bank meant we didn’t charter on the first night, I have hope we will soon. I’m trusting that the members who have signed up are the perfect ones and hope the others will join when they’re ready! We only have 3 more to go to Charter! Soon Spirited Speakers will be a fully-fledged club.

I’m sure you reading this knows how powerful Toastmasters is. It’s like a non-stop train that picks you up and takes you to transformation city. I hadn’t even attended a meeting before October last year. That’s when I wanted others to teach my kids, while I got on with my work. When I saw the opportunity, I wanted to be a spectator, not a participant. When I saw the local interest, I wanted to be a participant in a vibrant club, not a leader. When I realised a local club would mean I didn’t have to drive and I’d get to hang out with the amazing people in our village, I became a leader and a public speaker. What a turn-around in less than 3 months! 

I’m incredibly grateful. Thanks to the leadership in the area, to the Toastmasters who’ve come to support, to the members who’ve joined, to those that have taken up roles and the guests who’ve laughed and enjoyed their time with us.

Bring on an even better 2019!

By Peter Thomas, Member of TPR Speakers

TPR Speakers, now in its third year as a corporate club, is starting to make waves both internally and externally. The club has evolved from a platform for senior staff to refine their public speaking skills to a much broader and organisational wide learning and development tool.

A new committee has also brought renewed energy, attending three separate training workshops over the summer and actively promoting the club internally and externally. Attendance has almost doubled at our fortnightly meetings with a greater emphasis on engagement leading to a more focused and productive environment whilst still maintaining an element of fun.

LtoR: Melanie Jarman [Sergeant at Arms], Matthew Evans [VPPR], Christine Stevens [President] and Kimberly Middleton at the Area 55(Div H) contest

In April we welcomed Toastmasters International CEO, Dan Rex, to Brighton on his world wide tour and our own CEO, Lesley Titcomb gave us a public recognition recently – TPR Speakers is driving forward!

The club gained its first two Competent Communicators, prior to the introduction of Pathways, as Juliet Mullany led the way in completing her ten speeches. We were also represented at the Area 55 competition round by Melanie Jarman for her humorous speech and Kimberly Middleton in the table topics contest. 

The club has welcomed guests and representatives from many other clubs in Sussex over the past year and also received a speech from a professional Toastmaster. Thanks to the endeavours of VP of Education, Ollie Martin, we already have two workshops and an awards meeting planned for 2019. Should anyone like to come along, you are more than welcome!

Vision 2019

I took away a lot from this year’s Mid-Year Training in Kuala Lumpur. Firstly, tropic rainstorms are something to behold and can soak one’s only pair of leather shoes taken along for the trip in minutes. Secondly, the real version of Nasi Goreng is soooo much better than the prepared one from Lidl.

Mid-Year Training

Lastly and finally, everything we do in our Toastmasters is driven by our organisational mission.“We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.”

I would like to invite all of you leaders and members to reflect on it for a moment. This mission is why we, as a District, have launched so many initiatives designed to help you and your clubs. Be it the beginnings of standardised Club Officer Training, the imminent launch of our Club Ambassador Programme, club and member level incentives and our 1 – 70 – 100 vision

– A member gaining an educational award each year is evidence that as they rise through Pathways levels, they are becoming more effective communicators and leaders! 

70 – Making the most of Toastmasters membership takes time, especially if one has leadership aspirations and wants to test themselves by becoming a club or District leader. Empowering requires retaining. This is why we should strive to retain 70% of our members each year!

100– Becoming an effective communicator requires an audience, becoming a leader requires others to serve. This can’t happen with a handful of people, however it becomes easier when a group reaches 20+ people. The magic of Toastmasters only works when 100% of our clubs are thriving and growing.

Awards Galore!

January saw myself, Florian and Andy receive our Mid-Year Training and boy we have some news! 

Renewals – Your Club will have received an email confirming the renewals window is open, this is great news and it means the 20 to 20 pizza challenge is now open! At the time of writing this article, we already have our first Club to renew its members … Congratulations to Epsom Speakers Club for being the first to renew 30 members already!

Talk-Up Toastmasters – On 1st February, the Talk Up Toastmasters campaigns opens. Every Club that adds 5+ new, dual or reinstated members between 1st Feb and 31st Mar will receive this coveted award. Award winners will receive a new ribbon to display on their Club banner and 10% off their next order from the Toastmasters store. Additionally, each winning Club will receive a free pack of Pathways ribbons from the District.

Zeus Award – What is this? Another Greek god? Yes, and more specifically a new District Award launching this year. All Clubs that have been awarded the Smedley Award and go on to get both the Talk-Up Toastmasters and Beat The Clock Awards will receive a very special Award in the Summer as long as they end the year with a net growth of at least 10 members. As we strive for Excellence, the Zeus Award will reward those Clubs achieving an outstanding performance on membership growth.

Club Coach – Looking for a new Challenge that will earn you credit towards your ALS or DTM? You may be the perfect candidate as a Club Coach. And hot off the press, Toastmasters will not only award your credit for rebuilding a Club, but you will also qualify to receive credit as District Officer. This is a short term change that will be awarded to all successful Club Coaches by either 30 June 2019 or 30 June 2020. Don’t hesitate, get in touch with me and let’s rebuild our weaker Clubs by sharing your knowledge, members will truly thank you for it. Have a question on the Club Coach program? Take a look at the FAQ or contact me directly.

Change is Constant

It has been a very busy start to the second half of the Toastmasters year.

The Trio, comprising myself, Florian and Arnaud, attended mid-year training for two days in Kuala Lumpur, with our peers from Region 10, which covers Europe, and Region 13, which includes India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.

Arnaud, Andy and Florian at the mid year Training

We reviewed progress on our District Success Plan and our District Budget, and shared experiences and best practice with 15 other District teams. We focussed on the importance of the Toastmasters branding, and had breakout sessions on our individual roles. I was also privileged on the Saturday evening to join a panel with Chief Executive Dan Rex and 1stVice President Richard Peck to answer questions from local Toastmasters at the Berjaya University College Toastmasters Club.

A key session in our training provided updates on changes affecting all Toastmasters members. Some of the main headlines include:

  • For the coming year there will be an e-learning module for Club Officer training, to be completed ahead of the face to face training.
  • Club Leadership Handbooks will only be provided in digital format in future years
  • There is a revised online version of the Toastmasters Navigator (find it here.
  • There will be a new Pathways “onboarding” resource to support new members with their Toastmasters journey.
  • Evaluation resources will be easier to access (more details to follow).
  • There are teams within Toastmasters working on regular incremental improvements to Basecamp.
  • There is a longer-term project to replace Basecamp and to integrate with Club Central in response to feedback on problems raised by members.

In addition, your Club Officers should recently have received an email from International President, Lark Doley, with details of the Wow! Factor Project and changes to the Club Coach Program. Ask them for more details.

Following our own training, we delivered a two-day training event for Division and Area Directors at Gatwick. Topics included District 91 leadership culture, progress against District goals, updates to Division success plans, organising Open House meetings, digital marketing, and District 91 initiatives. Have a look at Florian’s article for more details. We also had plenty of fun along the way

“We learn best in moments of enjoyment.” 
– Ralph C. Smedley, Founder of Toastmasters International.

In between I was able to attend an excellent Corporate Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) event in Canary Wharf, superbly organised by Division K Director, Barry O’Connell.

Altogether an inspiring and enjoyable start to 2019!