Shaheen Jamshed Mufti: Superb Systemisation

A member of a team has been working hard at a company. The year has started off well. The team is driven, everyone knows what they’re doing and things look like they’re going great.

Suddenly, that team member feels unwell. They take a week off. When they’re fit and well, they return to work…only to find total chaos! Their team members are relieved to have them back and the team’s returning member soon help get things back on track again.

Is this you or someone you know? The moment you (or someone in your team) step out of the picture, do things fall apart? Could something like this happen in your Toastmaster club?!

If so, you need to introduce systems into your club! Having systems in place will help your leadership team members and club members run your club smoothly and efficiently, making sure that it continues to function without your (or any other member’s) regular personal intervention.

Think of running your club a bit like running a business. Most successful businesses have effective systems built in. Can you imagine a CEO of a Fortune 500 company going on holiday for a fortnight and their company then collapsing? I think not. Why? Because of teams making use of systems.

These companies work well because they factor in the possibility of company personnel changing, moving on, passing on as well as moving into different roles. And your club is no different.

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Nigel Oseland: Join an Advanced Club



Advanced Toastmasters demonstrating advanced body language exuberance!

After a few years in Toastmasters, what further ways are there of advancing your speaking skills? Consider joining an advanced club. Having been a member of Cornerstone Communicators Advanced Toastmasters Club for a year, I have concluded there are 3 good reasons to join such clubs.

Firstly, I was first attracted to visiting Cornerstone Communicators because of their workshops. Some are facilitated by club members and fellow Toastmasters but external experts are also brought in time to time. For example, I have attended workshops on specific, relevant topics such as rhetorical devices, “winning evaluations”, humorous speeches, stand-up comedy, presenting on the radio and being interviewed by journalists. The workshops not only provide knowledge but stimulate and motivate further thoughts.

Secondly, advanced clubs just do things differently. For example, the club usually offers an open evaluation, where each member of the audience is invited to provide a commendation and recommendation. I have found this particularly useful for improving my own speeches. Table Topics are very different, and more akin to the impromptu speaking seen on TV. Quite often two or more members will perform together, perhaps one narrating and the other miming, or there may be an absurd dialogue or interview situation in which the two members verbally spar. These Table Topics are also so much more fun.

Thirdly, many members are professional presenters or workshop facilitators, willing to provide exceptional advice, for within and outside of Toastmasters. They are well connected and know of conference organisers looking for speakers etc. Unlike one-off courses, advanced clubs give you on-going access to these experts.

Most advanced clubs require their members to have completed six speech projects, but they also welcome guests. I recommend visiting your local advanced club as a guest as soon as you can, rather than wait until you are qualified to join. Like with Toastmasters, I wish I had joined sooner. Whilst the club is focused on advanced skills, all new members are made to feel welcome and encouraged to try our new techniques.

In Districts 71 and 91 the advanced clubs include: Advanced Orators (Manchester), Anglian Advanced Speakers, Cornerstone Communicators, Cashel Club, Cork Ireland Advanced Pros Club, Dublin Advanced Toastmasters, Edinburgh Advanced Toastmasters and Excalibur Advanced Speakers. If you are interested in trying our Cornerstone Communicators (in Markyate) then email me for further details.

District Council Meeting First Notice

District Council Meeting Notice 15 September 2018 First Notice (Click link for PDF format)

Our first District Council Meeting of the new Toastmasters year will be a virtual one, taking place on Saturday 15 September from 10.00 to 12.00. As this is the first time we will be holding the meeting this way some items need to be confirmed at a later date.

Members of the District 91 District Council are Club Presidents, Club Vice Presidents Education, Area Directors, Division Directors and District Leadership Team members.

Motions: Any motions should be sent by Wednesday 15 August to me at or

Voting: In order for our District Council to conduct business, there needs to be a quorum of a third of all Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education (VPEs). So, it is vital that each President or VPE either attend. Proxies for virtual meetings are not permitted.

Registration: All voters for the District Council Meeting must register with the Parliamentarian  in order to get credit for their vote. Details will follow as to the way this will be managed.

Alison Morris
District 91 Administration Manager

Why Leadership? What’s in it for you as a District Leader?- Morag Mathieson

If I were to ask you to describe yourself as a leader today, what would you say?
Are you a happy leader? An experienced leader? A reluctant leader? or maybe a terrified leader?

One question I am often asked in Toastmasters is why leadership? Why do you put yourself through it?

5 Cs to help remember what’s in it for us when we take up the mantle of leadership.

1. Contribution
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – when we get to the top of the pyramid and reach level of self actualization there is a desire to give back and taking a leadership role allows us to do that.

  • Make a contribution to the district mission (We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence), helping bring the advantages of Toastmasters to a wider audience and helping members be fulfilled in quality clubs
  • Make a contribution to the Toastmasters International Mission (We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders). You support clubs to become centres of excellence for the member experience and so enable members to reach goals and achieve greater levels of competence and confidence
  • Make a contribution to your district – encouraging excellence in education wherever you are
  • Make a contribution to your peer group in the District Council meetings – sharing perspectives, encouraging each other.

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Toastmasters improved my confidence

My friend asked me to be bridesmaid at her wedding in Dubrovnik. I was ecstatic. She then asked me to do a reading at the wedding. I immediately started worrying.

I have done readings at weddings before. They sounded fine but but my legs and lips would shake uncontrollably. However, this time, when I stood up, I didn’t feel nerves. I was actually looking forward to delivering the reading. What was wrong with me?

I gave the speech, projecting my voice across the Palace; The words came out controlled and clear and I used pause for effect. People laughed at the funny parts because I gave them a chance to. I got a big round of applause, which filled me with pride and emotion. As I sat back down, I reflected on where my new found confidence had come from. It was from Toastmasters. Every member of Trojans has helped me to improve my confidence, speaking and leadership in someway or another. Whether it be from spoken or written evaluations, mentoring, chats etc. Everything that I have learnt from these wonderful people, came flooding out when I needed it the most and for that, I will be forever grateful! May the journey continue!

Hannah Widdison, Trojan Speakers