Dan Rex, Toastmasters International CEO, Tour of D91

Toastmasters International CEO, Dan Rex, is flying over to visit District 91. He will be visiting a number of our clubs to present his inspirational speeches before presenting his keynote address and workshop at the Spring Conference.

Dan has worked for Toastmasters for 27 years. As Chief Executive Officer, he leads the Toastmasters World Headquarters team in providing service, resources and support to 352,000 members in 16,400 clubs in 141 countries. He works closely with the International President and the Board of Directors to develop the future of Toastmasters and create and execute plans and strategies to reach those goals.

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PR & Comms Awards

Time is running out for nominations for the prestigious PR & Comms Awards. The deadline of 20th April is set for Division and are Directors to nominate a member and/or club for:

  • Best social media or membership campaign,
  • Best local press campaign or external PR initiative and
  • Best Toastmasters blog or most unusual campaign.

Email Nigel our D91 PR manager: the person/club name, the award you are nominating them for and why they should receive that ward.

Nominations and winners will be announced at the Spring Conference.



DLT Dispatches – March 2018

 Pedro Casillas (DD)


On Saturday 5th May at The Coppid Beech Hotel, District 91, will be holding our Spring D91 District Council Meeting where we will be conducting business of the district. (The District Council is made up of Club Presidents, Club Vice Presidents Education, Area Directors, Division Directors and District Leadership Team.)

As part of the preparation for District Council, we will be posting documentation on our website, have posted ‘District Council Meeting Minutes 4 November 2017’ and will ask District Council members to review.

In addition, if District council members have any Motions they would like to raise, they should be emailed to our D91 Admin manager, Paul Rhys Taylor, by Monday 2nd April 2018.

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D91 Coppid Beech Conference Speakers

The conference date is fast approaching and thanks to all those who have booked to date and we look forward to many more such bookings in the next 10 days as we really wouldn’t like you to miss the EARLY BIRD prices.

Your D91 Spring Conference Team has been working non-stop to bring you the greatest conference experience and a fantastic social weekend. We’ve set  We believe that events like this are an opportunity for ALL Toastmasters to grow.

Additional to our workshop speakers this year, we will be honoured to have Dan Rex, the CEO of Toastmasters International as our key note speaker.

The long-awaited moment has arrived and we are now ready to reveal what each workshop will include.

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Pathways is Here! by Andy Hammond

Of course the big news this month is that Pathways is now live in our District! Thanks to the great work of our Pathways Guides and Ambassadors, and all the clubs who have hosted their visits, District 91 has exceeded its targets to ensure the roll-out went ahead on time.

This is the beginning, not the end. Your Pathways Guides and Ambassadors will continue to support your clubs for several more months, so if you have any questions speak to your VP Education who will have access to that support for your club.

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