It’s Time to Talk Up Toastmasters!

All Toastmasters clubs worldwide will be taking part in the competition to earn the coveted Talk Up Toastmasters award. Do you want to earn it for your club? Do you want your club to display a new ribbon on its banner?

Every club that add 5 new, dual or reinstated members between 1st Feb 2018 and 31st Mar 2018 will receive this coveted award. Award winners will receive a new ribbon to display on their club banner and 10% off their next order from the Toastmasters store. Additionally, each winning club will receive a certificate and a FREE pack of Pathways ribbons from the District to help them welcome the new programme on a high note!

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Meet a leader – Paul Rhys-Taylor

This month, Nigel Oseland, our D91 PT Manager, caught up with Paul Rhys-Taylor, a.k.a. PRT our Admin Manager and ICT Chair.

Tell me a little about your background

I was born and raised in London, of Jamaican parents. Educated Anglican but rejected the faith as a child. Then found it for myself as a young adult. Lived with certainty for over two decades but over the last few of years, I’ve been on a ‘truck stop of doubt’.

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PR & Comms Survey Results

Thank you to all those who completed our on-line survey on PR and Comms. The survey was to help the District Leadership Team (DLT) answer two key questions:

1. Does the annual cost of our external PR company represent good value for money?

2. What is the most effective way of communicating on-line with our members?

My analyses and report follows.

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DLT Dispatches – December 2017

Pedro Casillas – District Director (DD)

Looking Back

Recently the DLT (District Leadership Team) and Division Directors, met to review the first half of the Toastmasters year. The theme for the day was around planning, specifically around the quote: “failing to plan, is planning to fail”.

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Start 2018 with a Bang – by Florian Bay

Imagine a moment, it’s June 2018 and your club has had a brilliant year. You are overflowing with new members whose boundless energies led to the creation of countless new friendships and stories to remember for a lifetime! Pathways came and everyone is loving it so far, Toastmasters reimagined has arrived and your efforts in marketing it have paid off tremendously. Another open-house meeting is already on the cards for the summer and eagers members fancy a leadership challenge of a new sorts by launching a new club.

This story will become your story when your club will start 2018 with a bang as loud as sonic boom! There’s a lot you can do to make it happen and most of it is super simple, see below.


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