Meet a Leader – Pedro Casillas

This month our PR Manager, Nigel Oseland, catches up with our new District Director, Pedro Casillas, on his way to the International Convention and finds out how he joined Toastmasters, what drives him and his interests outside of Toastmasters.

After a couple of teleconference calls, I eventually met Pedro at our DLT away day. Never mind his astute understanding of Toastmasters , I was impressed with his vast musical knowledge and was glad to hear that we have a similar taste in music, especially as he was in charge of the music system.

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Smedley Award – 01 August to 30 September

Ralph Smedley set up Toastmasters in 1924, see the vintage footage of Ralph below. Each year we hold a membership building contest in his honour – the Smedley Award.

Just gain 5 new members between 01 August and 30 September to receive a club ribbon and a 10% discount code for Toastmasters merchandise. More importantly, keep you club stimulating and energised by attracting new members and growing your club.

Find out more about the membership building contests on

Final Message from the District Director 2016/17

I hope your 2016-17 year of membership in District 91 was an exciting, enjoyable year of learning and development for you. I hope you have shared your learning with others and invited friends and colleagues to your club. I hope you have had many opportunities to stretch yourself, to discover something about yourself that you didn’t know you had within you. I hope your club has given you a safe place to take risks and try new things and I hope you have given back to your club in equal measure.

I was very  proud to receive this letter of congratulations (on the left) from International President Mike Storkey and Toastmasters CEO Dan Rex, on behalf of all our wonderful leaders who have worked so hard for the benefit of our members.

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DLT Dispatches – July 2017


Pedro Casillas, District Director

With the new year underway, our focus across District 91 has been to ensure that everyone on the new team, has attended training so that we can all play our part in the continuing growth and success of each of our members.

At the end of last month, our Program Quality Director, Andy Hammond, organised an excellent District Officer Training (DOT) with Division and Area Directors where we covered the District Recognition Program and laid out our plans for the year ahead.

Following on from training, Division and Area Directors have started Club Officer Training (COT), which will continue throughout July and into August. Our goal for this first part of the year is for each club to send all 7 club officers to club officer training, and as an incentive we will be presenting those clubs who send all 7 a brilliant set of club officer pins.

To your continued success.

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