This month our PR Manager, Nigel Oseland, catches up with our new District Director, Pedro Casillas, on his way to the International Convention and finds out how he joined Toastmasters, what drives him and his interests outside of Toastmasters.
After a couple of teleconference calls, I eventually met Pedro at our DLT away day. Never mind his astute understanding of Toastmasters , I was impressed with his vast musical knowledge and was glad to hear that we have a similar taste in music, especially as he was in charge of the music system.
NO. Where do you live and which club(s) are you a member of?
PC. I live in London and I’m a member of Grosvenor Square Speakers, the first club to be set up in London; I have been a member since 2002.
NO. How did you find out about Toastmasters?
PC. I was looking for information on how to improve my presentation skills, and a search of the internet brought me to Grosvenor Square Speakers.
NO. Why did you join Toastmasters and have your expectations been met?
PC. I wanted to experience what it would be like to be able to speak in front of any size audience on a topic of my choice. My expectations have been met many times over.
NO. What do you enjoy most about Toastmasters?
PC. I enjoy taking part in meetings; watching people grow; listening to new ideas; taking part in new challenges; setting and achieving new goals.
NO. What are you currently focussing on at Toastmasters?
PC. I’m currently finding my way into my new role of D91 District Director. The role involves setting a vision for the continued success of our District for the benefits of all our members.
NO. What are your Toastmaster ambitions for the future?
PC. To do the best I can in my current role and to help all of my colleagues to achieve their goals. This year, I am working with a fantastic team to lay strengthen our leadership base so that we can build for the expansion of our District over the coming years.
NO. Any views on how we can improve Toastmasters in District 91?
PC. The District, Division, Area and Club Success plans all working well together will help us grow as a District and lay the foundations for future growth.
NO. How do you spend your time when you are not at Toastmasters, what are your hobbies and interests?
PC. I read a lot – fiction and non-fiction; listen to audio books and all type of music (Spotify is amazing); I play badminton; Classical guitar and go to Pilates; and then I spend time with my family.
NO. So, who are your favourite musicians and bands?
PC. A wide variety – from David Bowie, to Deep Purple, Beethoven, salsa, Brazilian and classical guitar.
NO. Any final words for our District 91 members?
PC. We are in a wonderful District with members who inspire and go out of their way to assist others. I have learned over the years, that the more I put into Toastmasters, the more I get out. And it is and will be the same for all other members – get involved!