Life on the District Leadership Team …

… reflections on my first three months

After taking on the role of Club Growth Director at the end of July, it was only two weeksandy-hammond later that I found myself at the District Officer training in Washington D.C.

I know that sounds glamorous, but it was certainly no holiday. I arrived on the Saturday evening to be given the schedule of interviews on Sunday for the candidates for the International Board roles. With Vanessa and Pedro we completed 23 separate 15 minute interviews that day. A fascinating, if tiring, experience. That left us free to concentrate on the two training days, Monday and Tuesday, with each running from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We kicked off in one large group of some 400 Toastmasters from all over the World. We then split into various groups over the two days, coming back together for the closing on Tuesday evening. It was awesome to be able to share ideas and experiences with enthusiastic colleagues from such varied backgrounds. I had to return home on Wednesday so missed the convention itself, but nonetheless it was a wonderful experience.

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November Council Meeting: Additional Information

Please find below supporting information relevant to the District Council Meeting held on 5th November 2016.

The Credentials Report


The Audit Committee Report


Summary of the 2016-17 Budget


This is a link to the budget spreadsheet sent to Toastmasters International. It shows the narratives that were shared with the Council on the 5th of November. If you would like to know further information, please contact District Director Vanessa King

Finance Manager’s Report

This is the state of the finances, showing expenditure for the year since July 1st compared with budget. We are currently within budget in all areas.


Join Us for the Hall of Fame!

Greetings fellow Toastmasters!

If you’ve been wondering whether or not to come to the District Conference on the 5th of November, please watch this message from District Director Vanessa King about the Hal of Fame. We hope you’ll join us to celebrate the achievements and contributions of our members.

Council Meeting 5th November 2016

The next District Council Meeting will be held on

Saturday 5 November at 2pm at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Woking, Victoria Way, GU21 8EW.

Members of the District 91 District Council are Club Presidents, Club Vice Presidents Education, Area Directors, Division Directors and District Leadership Team members.

Proxy voting: In order for our District Council to conduct business, there needs to be a quorum of one third of all Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education (VPEs). Therefore, it is essential that each President or VPE either attends the meeting in person or appoints a member in good standing from their club to carry their vote (a proxy), so that your club can have its voice heard in the running of our District. If you are sending a proxy, please fill in the PROXY FORM and give it to the person you want to carry your vote. Note that other District Council members cannot send a proxy, only club Presidents and VPEs.

Registration: All voters for the District Council Meeting must register at the Credentials Desk at the Conference in advance of the Council Meeting. Registration will close at 13:15 on Saturday 5 November. If you are carrying a proxy vote, you must present the signed Proxy Form to the Credentials Desk in order to collect your vote. If you have not registered by the close of Registration you will NOT be able to vote.

For members of the District Executive Committee you are invited to attend the DEC Meeting and dinner being held at 7:30pm on Friday 4 November at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Woking, Victoria Way, GU21 8EW.


1. Call to Order / Welcome
District Mission, Introductions, Apologies, Moment of Reflection, Procedure
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Credentials Committee Report and Appointment of Tellers
4. Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Council Meeting
5. Confirmation of Appointments
6. Audit and Finance Manager’s Report
7. Division Directors Reports
8. District Leadership Team Reports
9. Revitalised Education Programme Report
10. Toastmasters International Update
11. Bids for District Conferences
12. New Business – Motions
13. Any Other Business
14. Announcements and Adjournment

DEC Meeting 4th September 2016

Dear DLT and DEC Members, Assistants and Guests,

The venue for our meeting is the Macdonald Berystede Hotel & Spa, Bagshot Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 9JH.

Arrival tea and coffee will be available from 9:30 for a 10:00 start. On arrival please sign in. DEC members will be given voting cards.

The agenda for the full is as follows:

Ref Time Item Led by
1 09:30 Arrive / Coffee
2 10:00 Welcome Vanessa King
3 10:05 Parliamentary Procedure Workshop (55 mins) David Sutcliffe
4 11:00 District Executive Committee (120 mins)

DEC Agenda 4 September 2016

Policy and Protocol of District Executive Committee Meetings

Vanessa King
5 13:00 Lunch (60 mins)
6 14:00 Leadership Committee (30 mins) Jean Gamester
7 14:30 Understanding the Budget (45 mins) Vanessa King
8 15:15 Engaging with Corporate Clubs (45 mins)

The Art & Science of Starting & Sustaining Corporate Clubs Handout

Aletta Rochat, Region Advisor
9 16:00 Division Council Meetings

Policy and Protocol of Division Council Meetings

Division Directors
10 17:00 Official Dates, Q&A, Notices and Close Vanessa King
17:15 One for the road

If you have not confirmed attendance please do so. Lunch will be provided, please advise as soon as possible if you have any dietary requirements.