Success and the Smedley Award by Florian Bay

Every club welcoming 5 new members during the months of August and September will automatically receive the Smedley Award for membership growth! Don’t miss out an opportunity to add another ribbon to your club banners. A club banners full of ribbons is always an amazing talking points for guests and members alike.

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DLT Dispatches – August 2017

Pedro Casillas (District Director)

In the days running up to the International Convention, leadership training, elections and the Annual Business Meeting takes place. The Board of Directors presented amendments to the Bylaws of Toastmasters International and Club Constitution. Every Toastmasters club has had the opportunity to vote on these proposed amendments and I as District Director for D91, have been entrusted with the proxy votes of those clubs who are unable to attend.

One proposal that raised most concern among our members would “allow individual members to submit their application and pay their dues online, when verified by a club officer”. The wording of the proposal appears to make it mandatory for all clubs, but it was confirmed that is not the case by Toastmasters CEO, Daniel Rex, and International President, Mike Storkey, when I raised the question with them.

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First Time Conventioneer by Florian Bay

I didn’t knew what to expect ahead of my first Convention and District Leader Training in Vancouver and all I can say is “Awesome!” to paraphrase our North American friends.

What will really stay with me beyond the excitement of taking part in the opening ceremony, or the brilliance of speakers competing in the semi-finals and final of the World Championship of Public Speaking. Is the shared passion and enthusiasm that fellow members from all over the world share about our organisation. I’m excited to have built an international network with fellow Club Growth Directors, leaders and members from all over. Plenty of ideas, best practices and encouragement will be exchanged over the coming months.

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Meet a Leader – Pedro Casillas

This month our PR Manager, Nigel Oseland, catches up with our new District Director, Pedro Casillas, on his way to the International Convention and finds out how he joined Toastmasters, what drives him and his interests outside of Toastmasters.

After a couple of teleconference calls, I eventually met Pedro at our DLT away day. Never mind his astute understanding of Toastmasters , I was impressed with his vast musical knowledge and was glad to hear that we have a similar taste in music, especially as he was in charge of the music system.

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Smedley Award – 01 August to 30 September

Ralph Smedley set up Toastmasters in 1924, see the vintage footage of Ralph below. Each year we hold a membership building contest in his honour – the Smedley Award.

Just gain 5 new members between 01 August and 30 September to receive a club ribbon and a 10% discount code for Toastmasters merchandise. More importantly, keep you club stimulating and energised by attracting new members and growing your club.

Find out more about the membership building contests on