Meet A Toastmaster: Mo Ajibola

Meet A Toastmaster: Mo Ajibola Triple Crown Award Winner Mo is a member of Hamwic Speakers club. He achieved his Triple Crown in the Dynamic Leadership path.

Meet A Toastmaster: Juli Chapman

Meet A Toastmaster: Juli Chapman Triple Crown Award Winner Juli is a member of Beckenham Communicators. She achieved her Triple Crown in the Persuasive Influence path, but she has also recently started a new path – Visionary Communication.

Meet A Toastmaster: Steve Birch

Meet A Toastmaster: Steve Birch Triple Crown & Pathfinder Awards Winner Steve Birch has two home clubs and he is the founder of them both. The two clubs are Malvern Speakers which was founded in May 2013 and Worcester Speakers which started in November 2019. They are within 10 miles of each other so Steve … Read more

Meet A Toastmaster: Chris Murphy

Meet A Toastmaster: Chris Murphy Table Topics and Evaluation Contest Winner Chris Murphy from Tunbridge Wells Speakers club won the District 91 Table Topics and also the District 91 Evaluation contest back in 2020.