News from PR Manager, Helena Brewer

Have you been FED?

Helena Brewer PR Manager
Helena Brewer
PR Manager

As Toastmasters we communicate mainly by speaking, but that is not the only way. In our District there are plenty of budding writers, from club blogs to Facebook posts.

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News from Finance Manager, Meg Heyworth

Assistance to Division and Areas for venue hire

Meg Heyworth Finance Manager

Subject to approval of the District budget by Toastmasters International, District 91 will pay up to £100 towards venue hire by Areas for the purpose of Club Officer Training.

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The Road To Washington

Alex De Jong
Alex De Jong

On Saturday 23 July there will be four International Speech District Champions, two Eye-Opening Workshops, plus a feedback session with the best of Toastmasters straight to you!

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Core Values Exercise for the DLT

On the 4-5 June 2016 the incoming District Leadership Team travelled to Wellow, near Bath, to get to know each other and plan for the year ahead. One of the exercises we did was to write a sentence about what each of the Core Values means to us, and I thought you might be interested to know…

  • Picking up poo when no-one’s looking (yes, really!)
  • Sticking to what you said, even when it’s hard
  • Congruency, commitment, responsibility
  • Always doing what’s right, even when it’s inconvenient or hard
  • Would I/my mum be proud?
  • Listening
  • Treat others as you’d like to be treated
  • Not judging
  • Acknowledge others’ points of view
  • Fairness
  • Being able to see their side
  • Realising that we all have our own truth and story
  • What do you need?
  • Enabling development
  • How can I help?
  • Not expecting anything back
  • Pay it forward
  • Helping others to be successful
  • Says yes, being counted
  • It’s all about them
  • How can I make it a little better?
  • Dedication
  • Inspect what you expect
  • Being the best we can with what we have at that moment
  • Do the right thing rightly
  • Bringing good practices forward
  • As well as you can, as long as the other values are served

What do the Core Values mean to you?

Vanessa King, District Director 2016-17