Meet A Toastmaster: Beatrice Freeman

Meet A Toastmaster: Beatrice Freeman General Evaluator Champion Beatrice has been the General Evaluator 58 times, in 58 different Toastmasters meetings online and on stage. She shares her observations with you as one of the more experienced GEs.

20th Anniversary of HOD Speakers

HOD Speakers 20th Anniversary HOD Speakers Club is based in Harrow, North West London and is funded by members on a non-profit basis and run solely by the efforts, energy and enthusiasm of our members for our members. Its Origins Not a lot of people know this but HOD is not 20 years old.  It … Read more

From Toastmaster to TEDx Speaker

From Toastmaster to TEDx Speaker Anthony Garvey is a proud member of Shilling Speakers in Area A1. He recently gave a TEDx talk and now shares his experience with all of us. Sweaty palms, knocking knees and butterflies in your stomach – do you remember tackling them before delivering your first icebreaker? Perhaps you lay … Read more

Meet A Toastmaster: Jacqui Rosser

Meet A Toastmaster: Jacqui Rosser Club Retention Team Lead More information about club coaches can be found on Toastmasters International website: Club Coach Program Club Coach FAQ How to Rebuild a Toastmasters Club Manual Our District vacancies for coaches are here. If you are still hesitant to participate or not, check our blog and find … Read more