I am writing my newsletter article on the train on the way home from a day in London. On the train two friends are talking about a presentation one of them have to give tomorrow. I have heard how the person in question hates talking in front of crowds and wishes he could do it on line. His friend has replied and said ‘Mate, I wish we were still in lockdown and I don’t have to speak to people unless I have to’.
When I arrived at Waterloo this morning I watched a nervous young woman who had difficulty looking up from the floor ask the guard for information about the train she was looking for. And then when I got to University I was asked to take part in a small bit of filming for a promotional video. This didn’t involve me talking but did involve me having a chat with the Student Association manager who was to feature in the footage. When we got talking it turns out that she was aware that one of our clubs meet at the University and had heard of Toastmasters International. In less than 12 hours today I have seen two examples where Toastmasters could help people in every day life and then spent four hours sitting in one of our club venues. What is my message? Quite simply, that we don’t have to look very hard to find every day examples of where the Toastmasters experience can help us or indeed effect our day. I didn’t have the opportunity to speak to the two friends on the train or the person at the train station – but I wonder what amazing transformation we could have seen if they became members. Thank you to the clubs across our district that offer our life changing program to our members week and week out.
Outside of the public speaking side of Toastmasters there of course is the leadership opportunity. The deadline for stepping up for one of our elected roles for the 2025/26 program year is fast approaching. Being a District officer is such a rewarding experience. Being a Division Director and then serving this year as your District Director has been such a wonderful and fulfilling experience and if you are in two minds as to whether to step up to serve for next year – please just take that leap of faith and do it.
Details on what you need to do to apply for a Division Director or trio role can be found here – https://d91toastmasters.org.uk/members/leadership/elective-roles-2025-2026/
If you have any questions about this process please either contact myself or Andy Hammond our District Leadership Committee Chair?
Oh by the way – have you bought your conference ticket yet……….. its going to be incredible!
Yours in service
Steve Vear
District Director 2024/2025