Meet A Toastmaster: Charlotte Hitchings

Evaluation Contest Winner, J10 Area Director 2021/22

Charlotte Hitchings
Charlotte Hitchings

Wye Knot Speakers

What is your name, home club and the contest you won?

My name is Charlotte Hitchings and I am a member of Wye Knot Speakers, a club I sponsored, which chartered in 2020.  I achieved my DTM the same year.  I was also a charter member of Voice of Wales and Cardiff Toastmasters.  I am currently serving as Area Director for the second time and have also served as Division Director (or Governor as it was known then) in the past.

I won the Division J Evaluation Contest last year, becoming a finalist at the District Contest for the third time.

What is your secret? / Why do you think you won?

I believe I have been particularly successful in Evaluation contests because I am a very good listener!  My training as a leadership coach has come in very handy for this.  I have also learned from some very good Toastmasters evaluators, and one of the skills I’ve learned is to tune into my emotional reactions to a speech, consider what about the speech and the way it is delivered is evoking these.

Why would you recommend someone to participate in the Toastmasters speech contest?

Competing in contests hones your speaking skills more than anything else.  You observe and learn from others and experience speaking in fairly stressful situations which means any other context becomes easier!  In my experience, it’s fun too, but that might just be me!

What is your next challenge?

My next challenge is the International Speech Contest. I’ve made it to Area in the past but that was a long time ago.  Once I am no longer Area Director, I’ll be back having a go!

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Meet A Toastmaster: Sharon Andrews

Treasurer and Poet

Why have you joined Toastmasters?

I have joined to gain confidence in speaking or presenting to an audience

What is your Toastmasters journey?

I joined since the beginning of the pandemic and worked from home. Therefore my experience has been all via MS Teams and Zoom. This has given me lots of top tips for creating a good on-screen presence.

Why should anyone take on a leadership role in Toastmasters?

I took it on as a challenge. My job is as an administrator and I was asked if I would take on the treasurer role. As I am not confident with finance I took it on as a challenge. What I found is more confidence in my own abilities. I also enjoy the committee meetings and the fellowship I get with the team

What is your next challenge?

I am preparing a speech that lasts 18-21 minutes. This is the longest one to date as typically they have been 5-7 minutes. This will be a challenge for sure. My speech is about becoming a published poet and is part of the Level 5 Presentation Mastery path in Pathways.

Poem by Sharon

I joined County Communicators
To learn to be a better orator
To practice proficient presenting
And when I started attending
What I found was this:
It is a meeting not to be missed
A group of like- minded individuals
Fine tuning phrases and syllables
A bevy of uplifting folk
Sharing thoughts and the occasional joke
An oasis in the midweek mayhem
In other words an absolute gem
A chance to develop self- esteem
In the supporting arms of a dream team
We all provide well considered feedback
Evaluations that keep us on track
Many roles with which to practice
Lots of hints and marvellous tips
And lastly a point I have to recommend
You will come away having made new friends

Meet A Toastmaster: Jacqui Rosser

Meet A Toastmaster: Jacqui Rosser Club Retention Team Lead More information about club coaches can be found on Toastmasters International website: Club Coach Program Club Coach FAQ How to Rebuild a Toastmasters Club Manual Our District vacancies for coaches are here. If you are still hesitant to participate or not, check our blog and find … Read more