Excellence in Education
The whirlwind that was our District Conference, is now behind us. What an absolutely fantastic event; two full days of learning, growing and inspiring together. A stellar showcase event of what is possible when you dream. Well done to all that took the opportunity to get involved. A huge congratulation to all our District contest winners. My personal thanks to all the key conference team members, lead by the wonderful Conference Director, Guler Cortis.
If you were inspired by our District Conference and are interesting in bidding to host our next conference, check out the future Conference Bid guidance on our website.
Clubs and the Distinguish Club Program (DCP)
Back in the summer of 2020, club officers wrote club success plans for the year ahead for their clubs. This melting pot of ideas, members educational awards, new membership drives and celebratory events, all provide members with opportunities and to steer their clubs on the DCP journey.
Now as we reach the last two months of this Toastmasters year, the results of all members and clubs hard work and commitment are beginning to arrive, as clubs achieve Distinguished, Select Distinguished or Presidents Distinguished awards. On the Toastmasters Dashboard* which collates this information and for our District, it confirms that 77 of our club have attained Distinguished status. With the trials and tribulations of the 2020/21 Toastmasters year, what an amazing achievement.
*Correct as of 4 May 2021
The educational awards have been flowing in, as reported at the District Council Meeting, 1466 educational awards; with 6 Pathways Mentor Program award and 81 Paths completed. Some members set their own personal goals, of achieving three (or more) educational awards to achieve the Triple Crown award, which 118 of you have, so far.
There’s still time for your club to achieve Distinguished level. Fellow members, ask what your club requires! VPEs, encourage your members to complete their education awards. If your club needs new members, hold an open house, plan a membership drive social media campaign and remember, it is Toastmasters membership drive, Beat the Clock too.
There is still so much you can achieve personally and help your clubs this Toastmasters year, what are you waiting for?
Club Officer Training
The two club officer training rounds in 2020/21 had to be held online. The level of adaptability of all the District Officer that delivered the training sessions online was truly remarkable. As the online training arena was also a first for them, as it was for the officers being trained. What we have seen in a substantial increase in club officers attending training in both rounds; an average of 83% which is 13% up on the previous year’s average. We must be doing something right, as the data supports the switch to online has increased club officers attending training.
For the newly elected club officers coming into officer and preparing for their roles, the training window opens in June and runs through to the end of August. Keep an eye out for training opportunities in the form of Club Officer Training sessions and Toastmasters Leadership Institutes.
Of course, to complete the circle, attending club officer training in both rounds is all part of the DCP.
As reported at the District Council Meeting, District 91 was selected to provide our club officer training modules to Toastmasters HQ as part of the review and update of club officer training guidance. Hot off the press, the new club officer training modules from Toastmasters HQ have been released. It is great that our work has been recognised, in the development of these updated and newly created club officer training modules.
Let excellence in education and training continue.
Program Quality Director
Helena Boden-Brewer, DTM