Do you want to speak beyond your club, do you want to deliver a speech to a new audience. Then why not join in the mock conferences at London Metropolitan University (Holloway Road campus).
The purpose of the mock conference is to create an opportunity for students to practice simultaneous interpreting in an almost real scenario.
They will cover different topics and are looking for speakers who are interested in delivering approx. 10 minutes of presentations.
They have 4 mock conferences on Mondays and run two sessions each time:
- From 12.00-14.00 with interventions in English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Japanese
- From 15.00 = 17.00 with interventions in English, Italian, Chinese and Polish
General topics are:
- Monday 24th February 2020 – Looking to the future: the UK’s relationship in Europe – bilateral relationships with European countries now and beyond Brexit
- Monday 9th March 2020 – Mock conference of the European Works Council meeting for a company operating in the automotive industry
- Monday 23rd March 2020 – The development and impact of ITC (Information and Communications Technology) and social media on our daily business and personal lives.
- Monday 20th April 2020 – Let’s talk business, changing the way we shop, new strategies to develop e-commerce, reinventing the high street shopping experience
If you are available and willing to contribute on any of the dates, please contact Ewa Jasinska-Davidson
Last Updated on 28th August 2020 by Susan Rayner