Meet A Toastmaster: Clodagh Phelan
Triple Crown Award Winner
Clodagh is a member of Early Bird Speakers. She achieved her Triple Crown in the Presentation Mastery path.
How do you feel about achieving so much?
Quite honestly I didn’t think I had. But I’m really delighted for my club. And for our splendid VPE. For me getting awards is much more about my club, Early Bird Speakers, because they are the most wonderful and supporting group of individuals you could ever hope to meet. So if anything I do helps them, I’m up for it.
What is your secret to winning the award?
No secret really, just putting one foot in front of the other. I already have Competent Communicator Gold, of which I am immensely proud. I’d recommend it because it helps you grow.
What is your next challenge?
I hadn’t really thought about it. Finish Presentation Mastery and take it from there. I’m so proud of everyone in Early Bird Speakers so really doing it for them.