One Contest Cycle is Over… And Another Begins!
Just like that…we have a new World Champion of Public Speaking! And just like that, September means that Autumn Contests season kicks off with your club contests for Table Topics and Humorous Speech. By now, I trust your club has set the date for your club level contest and preparations are well underway (if it hasn’t already taken place!). The best thing about contests is the stretch opportunities that they can give you.
Be Challenged by the Best Speakers
The Autumn Contests prove to be an additional speaking opportunity for those who are that way inclined. The setting is different to a normal club meeting and if you are fortunate enough to go through to the next round, you become exposed to competing against a different set of people. It’s also not uncommon for first-timers to go all the way through to the District finals in May!
Perhaps, you’re more partial to taking a different type of role at the event. If you tend to lean towards being a timekeeper, the sergeant at arms or an evaluator at club meetings, try taking one of the two former roles in a contest setting – the requirements are different. Similarly, evaluating is not the same as judging so consider putting yourself forward for this type of experience.
No contest can happen however without people putting their hands up to organise the event! Typically this would also be the Contest Chair. We also need someone to act as Chief Judge who sources, appoints and briefs all of the voting judges. Again, at club level, I would hope that these roles are filled. If not, consider doing so yourself! If you’re looking for a further stretch assignment, contact your Area Director about one of these roles in the next round which will largely be in October.

Here are some useful resources to help if you are speaking, organising, helping or judging in the contest.
And Compete Against Yourself
It would be remiss of me not to check how you are getting on with your Pathways journey? Last month we looked at the importance of achieving Level 1 and 2 completion certificates and what this ‘unlocks’ for you. If by now you’re at Level 3 in your current Path, this is where the projects start to become longer or may take more time to prepare. Next month, we’ll look at what Level 3 could unlock for you. However there is nothing stopping you looking at some of the Level 4 electives. You never know, you may find something that means that organising an event or managing a project comes up! 😉 Why not apply this to the contest season?
Club Contests are an opportunity for ALL members to get involved and take themselves out of their comfort zone. Get stuck in and enjoy the season!
Forthcoming dates in September:
- 11th September – From Speaker to Trainer course. Get in touch if you would like to book on.
- 19th September – District Council Meeting. All District Executive Council (DEC) members (Area Directors and Division Directors), as well as Presidents and VP Education are invited to attend.
Don’t forget to keep up to date with the Sunday night webinar series!
Rupa Datta,
District 91 Program Quality Director 2021-2022