Reflect on your achievements

Fellow Toastmasters, as we head to the mid point of this Toastmasters year, it’s time to reflect on how we have progressed over the first half of the year.

The first major achievement, the membership renewals. The mantra on club membership numbers, 30 is the new 20, has been well received. What this autumn renewals has demonstrated, is many of our clubs love pizza in winning £50 for their clubs. The retention measure of 80%, proved achievable along with renewing 20 members. Given it’s success, this incentive will be running again in the spring.

The club growth activity has been steady. As we head into 2020, there are many new clubs on the horizon. In London, there are corporate clubs that meet during the day, members that have the opportunity to visit and support these fledgling clubs would be welcomed. With two new corporate clubs in London,  AWS and Bank Speakers joining the fold recently. Demonstration and launch meetings are pending across the District, if you are interested in being involved, contact me or Bob Bowes. More hands make light work.

Clubs considering hosting an Open House meeting as part of a membership drive is steadily gaining in interest. From the recent stock take, there are supplies which will have to be reordered from Toastmasters online shop. If you are planning an Open House in January, February and March, please contact me to ensure I can dispatch the materials to support this effort.

Raising awareness of your events. For those putting on anything from Open Houses, workshops, training, Club Officer Training, Toastmasters Leadership Institutes etc… remember to include @ToastmastersUK&I. As well as, encouraging club members to share and like the post.

In the new year…. Look out for the incentive clips which were filmed recently. A fun way to spend a Sunday with Toastmaster members. Of course, lunch was pizza. Our District PR Manager, Susan Rayner worked so hard to put the day together and at times it must have been like herding cat, thank you for your patience.

Have a wonderful festive break,

Your Club Growth Director


Last Updated on 5th August 2020 by Susan Rayner