Like all good film shoots it started early with the production team getting to the venue very early to set up.
Once the lights and cameras were all set up our cast of stars began to arrive.

Our cast and crew were treated to their own VIP green room, with tea, coffee and refreshments available to keep the hydrated throughout the day.
And just before they were needed on set, they were pampered in make-up and wardrobe.

We started shooting with our District Director who like a true professional immediately took to the camera like a duck to water and filmed three videos straight away.
We then re-set the cameras and lightening for our first Toastmaster member Debbie Williams who bounded into the studio with bags of energy and shared her experience of being a Club Officer.
Guler Cortis followed up with her personal My Why story to motivate and inspire.
Next up was Division H Director Sandra Mighty who gave a very polished speech on the value of Leadership in Toastmasters.

The camera continued to roll throughout the day with over 13 members sharing their own personal stories on what they have achieved with Toastmasters and how it has helped them to become a better communicator, a better leader a better presenter.

With our members support and help we have created a wealth of content for videos to promote our incentives, the value of Toastmasters and how it has changed their lives.
We’ll be sharing the videos in the coming weeks but in the meantime a massive thankyou to all those who took part.
Debbie Williams, Jessica Circe Rogers, Abi, Guler Cortis, Ellis Byrne, Mel Cunningham, Dave Hampton, Arnaud Satre, Helena Boden Brewer, Matthew tuff, Natasha John-Baptiste, Rohan and John Cross.
And also Ruth Ruberio for helping to keep all the stars feed and watered.
Last Updated on 5th August 2020 by Susan Rayner