Transitions, Targets and Training
Just like that, we’ve now only a few weeks left until the end of the Toastmasters year. I have to say that in my 5 years as a Toastmasters, one of the things I’ve learned and have been thankful for is our structure and how it has helped me become a better planner. The Toastmasters program year runs from 1st July – 30 June. Have you any reflections about what has changed for you or what you may have noticed about your own development during this time?
If you run a business, or work in sales or finance, a lot of what you may do can get busy around month/quarter/year-end. The same is true for us in clubs and at all levels in this organization. Do you know how your club is performing in the Distinguished Club Program? Do you know how your personal efforts contribute to the success of your club? This may take shape in the form of how you are progressing through your pathways journey, the extent to which you serve your club through projects or even through your Toastmaster’s promise?
As we come to the end of this Toastmasters year, consider your personal contribution. It is not too late to bring a friend to your club meeting, sign up to support your club as we transition into the new year or simply sign up for that speech or role to bring energy and enthusiasm into your club meetings. If you are an outgoing club officer, this may mean that it is also time for a bit of a spring clean – are all of your club records and data in order? Will you be ending the year and the new committee starting the year in as good a place as possible?
I too, am transitioning from one role to the next within Toastmasters and have been for the last few weeks. Like everyone that puts their hand up and is elected to serve, we in District Leadership also have that reality check in terms of where our Toastmasters learning and commitments fit with our home and work lives, and I’ll be the first to say that the transition period in any year, particularly if you are already in a role, can be pretty hard in this regard. That’s where my learned planning has once again been incredibly helpful.
As your incoming Program Quality Director, I commit to continued quality training opportunities for all. This starts imminently for your incoming Area and Division Directors and for club leaders this too, starts in June with ample opportunities for all to learn about their roles right the way throughout the summer. There is a lot of tacit knowledge within clubs that can be lost with turnover so I would invite you to ensure this does not happen.
As your outgoing Club Growth Director, I invite you to celebrate your club at some point this month. This could be in the form of an Open House, an awards ceremony for what has been achieved so far this year or simply by bringing a friend to experience the Toastmasters experience. It’s not too late to Beat the Clock – one of our formally recognised membership building campaigns.
Thank you
It’s been my pleasure to have the opportunity to serve this as your Club Growth Director. The learning in these roles is that we very rarely get to choose the hand we’re dealt. I hope however, I’ve been able to leave our District in a good place and that we head into next year rebuilding sustainable clubs and providing you, our members, opportunities for growth and development.
Rupa Datta
District 91 Club Growth Director 2020-2021
District 91 Program Quality Director elect