News from Program Quality Director Pedro Casillas

Pedro Casillas Program Quality Director
Pedro Casillas
Program Quality Director

Following a second round of DOT (District Officer Training), I am pleased to report that 99% of Division and Area Directors have attended Toastmasters education. A fantastic turnout!

Division Directors and Area Directors have been busy setting up COT (Club Officer Training, which will complete on 31 August

District Conference- Woking 4-6 Nov 16

I am pleased to announce that Yvonne O’ Garro, will be our contest Director in Woking! If anyone would like to be a part of the team, please let us know! It’s going to be a great interactive weekend!

Sneak preview: ‘Bob Ferguson will be facilitating what will be a fabulous workshop: ‘So, you want to be the World Champion of Public Speaking, eh?’

Judges & Competition  preparation training

Some excellent news: Andy O’ Sullivan will be running two education workshops in London in September: ‘How to be a Chief Judge’ and ‘How to run a Competition‘.  Provisional dates of 1 and 8 September. Andy will provide further detail during the month. Andy is also looking to run these sessions virtually for those members who cannot attend in person.

Trainers Bureau

I am delighted to announce that Elizabeth Toohig, will be ‘going on tour’, running the ‘Speaker to Trainer’ workshop. Provisional dates and locations:

Div A – Taunton – Sat 24 Sept

Div J –  TBA – Sat 22 Oct

Div H – TBA – Sun 20 Nov

Elizabeth will also be updating the Trainers Bureau pages on D91, with the aim of having a broad range of talented TM Trainers across the D91

I’m off to the Convention in Washington DC – I am sure I will be back with more ideas for us to improve quality across D91!


Last Updated on 7th October 2020 by Susan Rayner